Chapter 644 I'm Back
Chapter 645

He quickly rushed to Qi Rongyue, ignoring the courtiers who bowed to him, held his sister's cold hand, knelt down on one knee, choked up and said, "Sister, I'm back, I'm back."

She nodded, unable to speak, only tears fell drop by drop, she wrapped his head around his head, hugged him in her arms, weeping uncontrollably.

The civil and military officials stared blankly at the scene in front of them, not knowing what happened, why did their emperor kneel in front of Qi Rongyue, why did the two hug each other and weep?

At this time Zheng Zhongwen's tall figure stepped out from the black cavalry army. He threw down the reins of the fast horse in his hand, and walked quickly to the side of the siblings who were embracing and crying, and embraced the two siblings together with his broad and powerful arms. She fell into her arms, and tears glistened in those eyes that were as bright as the stars.

Such a tough guy, such a brave and wise man who is not afraid of life and death, will only show his soft side at this moment.

Qi Yongchun, who was kneeling on the ground together with all the ministers, looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, rubbing his eyes again and again, to make sure that he was right, and that the emperor was kneeling in front of his daughter and weeping bitterly?

what's going on?Can anyone tell him what happened?What exactly did he miss?
Yin Yixuan's heart was no longer surprised, and his heart was ashamed. He knew that he would never have another chance, and would never have another chance to get close to her.

Zheng Zhongwen let go of his hands and helped Chu Tianqi stand up: "Brother Qi, from now on, I should call you the emperor, the emperor, please return to the court!"

Chu Tianqi nodded, and Ren Qi Rongyue wiped away the tears on his face, took a deep breath, turned around and knelt down on the ground, shouted Long Live all the officials, and raised his hands: "Everyone is flat!"

The emperor's chariot was waiting at the end of the big red velvet carpet, with sixteen corners in bright yellow and a palace bell ringing crisply in the wind. The eunuchs brought by Min Hengzhi hurried forward and respectfully invited the emperor to enter the chariot.

Chu Tianqi held Qi Rongyue's hand: "Sister, come back to the palace with me."

She nodded, smiling like a flower, of course, of course she wanted to go back to the palace with her younger brother.

Sitting side by side, the two siblings passed through the aisle made by the officials, and received the attention of the officials. It was so bright and bright, just like the lantern festival three years ago. The younger brother is still the younger brother, but the older sister is not the older sister, but everyone seems to have an illusion, as if Princess Tianyu from the Chu Dynasty has returned.

The gates of the city were wide open, and where the emperor's chariot passed, the people fell down and shouted long live.

Zheng Zhongwen drove slowly beside the chariot, keeping an eye on the surroundings. From time to time, he glanced at Rongyue sitting in the chariot. She was still smiling lightly as usual, accepting the attention of the people. Everything was so natural and reasonable. It should be, she seems to be born to sit in this position.

"Mother, mother, look, it's Qi Rongyue, it's Qi Rongyue!"

Yingzi pushed Aunt Huang who was bowing her head on the ground, and Aunt Huang quickly raised her head: "Where is it? Where is it?"

Yingzi pointed to the imperial chariot walking slowly on the long street and said, "It's inside, in the imperial chariot, sitting with the emperor."

Aunt Huang hurriedly looked around, and sure enough, the people sitting in the imperial chariot, one was the emperor, and the other was Qi Rongyue whom she was familiar with: "She, how could she?"

Yingzi sighed: "No wonder Princess Tianxin is so anxious to arrest her. It turns out that she is on the emperor's side."

They never dreamed that the person they had been with for so long was actually a master who stood side by side with the emperor.

On the other end, Qi Rongxue looked at the imperial chariot in the center of the long street in horror, and pointed to the calm and composed woman in the imperial chariot: "Mother, I don't have eyesight, right? That person is Qi Rongyue?"

(End of this chapter)

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