Chapter 648 Want to die?
Chapter 649

"You must want to know why Lin Shu'er told the emperor all these things, because she only loved him from the beginning to the end, and hated you, nothing else. She told you about your crimes one by one. Wrote it in a letter and sent it to the emperor, but why didn't the emperor mention this matter to you, let alone punish you for your crimes."

"That's because he has always believed that your younger brother will reform himself and not make mistakes again and again. He treats you as his own brother and even covers up your crimes, but in the end he brutally kills you."

"You took advantage of his kindness, and also took advantage of Lin Shuer's cowardice. You thought everything was under your control, but you didn't realize that those who have attained the Dao will be helped more than those who have lost the Dao. .Your righteousness, don't be unrighteous."

"You are shameless, dishonest and even more immoral. You are not worthy of being a king. All officials and even the common people should abandon you."

"Shut up, why do you say that about my father, what are you? You are dead, but you come back to life, you are not a human, you are a monster, you are a monster, you are a monster born to harm the Chu Dynasty, I want to tell the world and let them all know that you are a demon."

Qi Rongyue looked coldly at Chu Tianxin who seemed to be insane, shook her head and sighed: "It's a pity, you don't have this kind of opportunity." Under her calm face was an angry and crazy heart. She thought and imagined them After killing the father and the queen, he brutally cut the father and daughter into pieces to avenge blood.

Seeing her turning around to leave, Chu Tianxin shouted: "You hate us so much, why don't you kill us? Kill us, kill us to avenge yourself."

Qi Rongyue sneered: "Kill you guys? Do you want to die all at once? You think so beautifully, you haven't really tasted the feeling of being in prison yet, stay here first, I will send someone to take good care of you father and daughter. "

Chu Tianxin rushed forward, and stretched out her hand from the gap in the prison door, trying to grab Qi Rongyue, the man was clearly right in front of her eyes, but no matter how long her hand stretched out, she couldn't touch her.

Time seems to be going upstream, back to the past, back to the time when Chu Tianyu was still the eldest princess.

At that time, she also worked hard to pursue, she studied desperately, she learned everything, as long as it was learned by Chu Tianyu, she learned it, and she learned it very well, but every time, people can only see Chu Tianyu Tianyu, it seems that she will never be able to see her existence. Chu Tianyu can always easily surpass her in what she has worked so hard to learn. She wants to catch up with her footsteps and catch her, but she can't do anything less than.

The moment Qi Rongyue turned to leave, a figure disappeared from the entrance of the prison.

Min Hengzhi's footsteps were flying through the palace road, his chest heaved rapidly, and in addition to the strong shock in his eyes, there was also incredible surprise.

He heard Chu Tianxin ask her if she was Tian Yu who came back to life, but she did not deny that there are so many coincidences in the world, she was unwilling to investigate in the past, but now thinking about it, Chu Tianxin's words are not crazy.

She is Tian Yu, she is not dead, although she has become Qi Rongyue, she is still Tian Yu.

These words kept echoing in his mind, and his heart beat like a thunderous drum.

This may be a chance God gave him to atone for his sins and regain the love of his life.

If she wants to be Qi Rongyue, then he will treat her as Qi Rongyue, and he will get close to her again, gain her trust again, and let her return to him again.

(End of this chapter)

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