Chapter 649

Chapter 650

He doesn't care what happened in the middle, no matter how she turned into Qi Rongyue, these are not important, what is important is that she came back into his life again, this time, he will never miss her again.

As soon as Zheng Zhongwen sent the emperor into the palace, he was dragged away by General Tianhu who arrived later and asked him to help him temporarily take over the Habayashi guard and the city defense battalion. After getting busy, it was dark in the blink of an eye.

He was very anxious, ever since he saw Rongyue at Shilipo outside the city, he had no chance to say a word to her, he could only watch her and Tianqi disappear before his eyes, and he was entangled in many affairs I can't get away, I can only temporarily suppress this crazy yearning.

At the beginning of Huachu, Zheng Zhongwen rejected the wine invitation of the two brothers, General Tianhu and Fuhu Shenling, and rode horses back to the city directly from the city defense camp. He went straight to the gate of the palace without stopping.

The guards guarding the palace gate were brothers from the city defense battalion who had just been replaced. They recognized Zheng Zhongwen and immediately let them go.

Entering the Forbidden Palace at night without an imperial order is originally a crime of beheading, but now everyone knows who doesn't know, Zheng Zhongwen and the emperor have a fateful relationship, besides, the inner palace is not in order at this time, and there is nothing to do Xing, it is not a big deal not to obey the palace order at this time.

There are people everywhere in the palace, he is not very familiar with the inner palace, he only has a good impression of the Royal Garden, and that is only because of Princess Tianyu, the number of times he has entered the palace can be counted on one hand.

He waved to a passing maid: "Where is Miss Qi?"

The palace maid shook her head: "I don't know." Then she blushed and ran away.

The girls in the palace, except for Habayashi guards who patrol occasionally, rarely see men, let alone such a young and handsome man.

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, and searched for a while, secretly cursing whoever came up with it, building such a big palace, but only a few masters live in it, it is simply extravagant and wasteful.

Seeing a long figure walking towards him from a distance, he was overjoyed, it was Min Hengzhi, he must know where Rongyue was.

Then he frowned again, how could he know?

Min Hengzhi also saw Zheng Zhongwen's figure, and wanted to avoid the fork in the road, but because he happened to be walking on the veranda and there was no bypass, he had no choice but to step forward.

"King Jin!" Zheng Zhongwen cupped his hands.

Min Hengzhi returned a salute and pulled out a very forced smile: "Your Majesty!"

"I don't know where King Jin came from at this moment?" He asked with a smile.

Min Hengzhi smiled and said: "Naturally, he came from the emperor. The son is entering the palace at this time. I'm afraid there is something important to do. I happen to be free now, so I can lead you the way."

Zheng Zhongwen thought, seeing Tian Qi, isn't it the same as seeing Rong Yue, they must be together, even if they are not together, Tian Qi must know where she is.

He nodded cheerfully: "Okay, I'm sorry."

Min Hengzhi turned around and walked side by side with Zheng Zhongwen. He used to feel that Zheng Zhongwen had an extraordinary bearing. Now that he came back from Mobei, this extraordinary bearing became more and more obvious, especially standing beside him at this moment. That invisible sense of oppression on his body.

He coughed unnaturally, and asked seemingly casually: "This trip to Mobei must have suffered a lot."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled, his eyes bright: "I have something in my heart, I have a hope in my heart, and I don't feel bitter."

Min Hengzhi's heart sank three points, he knew what Zheng Zhongwen meant.

(End of this chapter)

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