Chapter 653 Beauty Bath

Chapter 654

After confirming that Zheng Zhongwen had left, she hurriedly got up from the pool and put on the pajamas that Xueer had prepared for her. The brand new plain silk satin fabric was smooth, soft and—very thin—

The earth dragon was burned in the hall, and she wouldn't feel cold in thin pajamas, so Xueer didn't prepare a coat for her. The coat she just took off has been taken away by the maid, and now she can only wear such thin pajamas. Did the clothes appear before him?
"Are you ready?" Zheng Zhongwen's voice came not far outside.

She sighed, wrapped her arms around her chest, and said in a muffled voice, "Okay, I'll come right away."

She walked out with her head down, avoiding Zheng Zhongwen's fiery eyes, and quickly quickened her pace, trying to rush to the phoenix couch and get under the covers to cover her embarrassment.

However, when the body was about to pass Zheng Zhongwen, he was grabbed by him.

"What are you doing running so fast?" He smiled, his lips were red and his teeth were white, and his eyes were full of mischief. He just liked to see her in such an embarrassment, which was very rare.

She calmed down and wanted to break free from his hand: "I'm cold."

"Cold?" He raised his eyebrows, obviously very hot, look at her blushing.

With a strong hand, the slender body slammed into his arms, a pleasant faint body fragrance penetrated into his nose, and the heat in his lower abdomen became more and more unbearable.

"Is it still cold now?" He lowered his head, and brought his lips close to her ear, and then the wet and hot kiss came all over the world, from her neck, to her eyebrows, from her red lips, to her slender... Xiu's collarbone, and the chest she covered with her arms, had already been kneaded by him countless times.

His panting became heavier and heavier, his body became tighter and tighter, and the hands around her waist became stronger and stronger.

She was dizzy by his passionate and affectionate kiss, and she was already lying on the bed at some point.

He held her tightly in his arms, not daring to move anymore, his breath was still heavy, she could even feel his forbearance and pain from his panting.

He squeezed her face: "I can't wait, when will you marry me?"

She smiled: "When I can marry you, I will marry you naturally. Why, are you still afraid that I will run away?"

He raised his eyebrows: "Run? Heaven and earth, where can you go? No matter where you go, I will find you. In this life, in the next life, in the next life, don't even try to get rid of me."

She was speechless, and sighed: "It's over, I've messed with brown sugar, I can't bite it, I can't shake it off."

The two got bored for a while, and she suddenly asked, "Where's Master? Is she okay recently?"

When Jian Yun was mentioned, the smile on Zheng Zhongwen's face froze. He didn't know how to tell her about Jian Yun, but Jian Yun refused to let him, but he felt that Rong Yue should know about it.

Sensing Zheng Zhongwen's emotional changes, she was startled, and hurriedly sat up on the couch, and asked, "What's wrong? Master, did something happen to her?"

Zheng Zhongwen also sat up and sighed: "Master didn't let me talk about it, but I think you should know about it."

"Say it quickly, I'm terrified." Qi Rongyue's heart was pounding, and she had a premonition that something bad must have happened.

Zheng Zhongwen organized his words in his mind first, and then said slowly: "It's like this, master, she seems to have some strange disease, and she often has seizures, and every time she has a seizure, she has to take a medicine that she made herself. It used to be a few days ago. She had an attack once, and then her condition seemed to get worse, and now she has to take medicine twice a day to ensure she is safe, otherwise, once she gets sick, she will convulse all over and foam at the mouth, and she is ignorant of human affairs."

 The title is wrong, but the content is fine, don’t blame it??(ˊωˋ*)??
(End of this chapter)

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