Chapter 654 Manly

Chapter 655

Qi Rongyue's complexion changed drastically, she held Zheng Zhongwen's hand tightly and asked, "How long has it been? When did it start?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked apologetic, and said in a low voice: "When I was in Jincheng, I met her with an illness. At that time, I didn't expect it to be so serious. She asked me not to tell you, so I didn't say it. If I knew her illness would get worse and worse. , I will never lie to you."

Qi Rongyue was so anxious that she hurriedly jumped off the bed.

He grabbed her and said, "where are you going?"

She was restless and panicked: "I'm going to find the master."

Zheng Zhongwen stopped her: "It's in the middle of the night, and I'll go tomorrow to find it. They probably have already fallen asleep. What's more, Mr. Wan is also seriously injured. If you go now, I'm afraid it will disturb his rest."

Qi Rongyue frowned: "How did Mr. Wan get injured?"

Zheng Zhongwen pulled her to sit down by the bed, and gave an overview of the whole journey. He heard that Chu Lian, the villain, actually ordered his subordinates to kill the entire Luther Village villagers. The methods were vicious and outrageous.

She gritted her teeth and pounded the bed: "Beasts are inhuman."

At this moment, Xue'er came in with tea, and saw Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen, who were wearing thin pajamas, sitting next to each other by the bed, as intimate as a newly married couple.

She giggled and said: "Zheng Shizi came so late, isn't he afraid that people will gossip about my young lady?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted: "Who dares to gossip? Rong Yue is my wife who is going to marry soon. When we meet as a young couple, do we still need to care about other people's opinions?"

Xue'er poured two cups of tea and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, what the son said is right, I will step back and let you young couple express our feelings."

Zheng Zhongwen gave her a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Sensible!"

After Xue'er left, Qi Rongyue also urged Zhongwen to go back: "You should go back to the house too, my aunt must have picked it up, and she is waiting for you first at home, it's not good to make her wait for a long time, and you are a daughter-in-law Then I forgot my mother."

Zheng Zhongwen hugged her, kissed her hard on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Finally you are willing to admit that she is my wife?"

She blushed, and then gave him a white look: "I don't admit it's useful? You can't even shake it off, you brown candy."

Zheng Zhongwen loves her coquettish and shy appearance so much that he wished he could look at her all the time.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving. I've been thinking about you for so long, but I didn't even stay for an hour before you sent me away. You have no conscience, you stinky girl." He reluctantly stood up, muttering Googling.

Qi Rongyue was angry and funny: "If you think I stink, stay away from me. I don't think you're sweaty yet, hmph—"

Zheng Zhongwen sniffed his body hard, and there was indeed such a smell of sweat, but it was not too bad: "Don't you girls like smelly men? Besides, I don't smell like sweat, I'm called a man Taste, understand?"

She got up and pushed him to go out: "I know, I know, I'm manly, okay?"

Seeing that he was about to be pushed out of the door, he turned around suddenly, pulled her into his arms, clasped the back of her head with one hand, wrapped her slender waist with the other, pressed his fiery lips against hers, and kissed her to breathe Suddenly, her body became weak, and then she kissed her forehead, trying her best to calm down the restlessness in her body.

"Bad girl, I've been hurt so much!" After saying that, he reluctantly let her go, and left Ziyu Palace with a look of desire/dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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