Chapter 655
Chapter 656

She didn't close the palace door until his back completely disappeared from her eyes, her heart was beating so fast that it seemed as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

Lying on the couch all night, she was thinking about the master's illness in her heart, and she couldn't close her eyes all night. She thought that when she first met the master in Jincheng, she didn't let her feel the pulse. Did she already have a strange disease at that time?
What kind of strange disease is it that even the master is helpless?
At daybreak, she couldn't wait for the sky to go down, so she went out of the palace directly and found Mr. Wan's residence. When the gatekeeper heard that her surname was Qi, she let her go without saying a word, saying that his master had ordered it. Miss Qi is here, and she wants to invite her in right away, so don't neglect her.

It seems that Mr. Wan also guessed that she would come.

Carrying the medicine box, Xue Er hurried in behind the young lady, and looked at the Wan Zhai, which looked ordinary on the outside, but very grand on the inside. This is the real rich man's house. The stones in the garden were also different from what she usually saw, and the pebbles paved in the imperial garden in the palace were not as delicate as here.

"Miss, how rich is Mr. Wan? This house is too grand."

Qi Rongyue didn't care to observe these things, and walked quickly all the way, followed the servants to the backyard to go to the upper room.

The servant did not take her to see the master first, but invited her to Mr. Wan's room.

At this time, Mr. Wan was half leaning against the bedside in a daze, his complexion was slightly pale, he was obviously suffering from blood loss, and his eyes were also listless. It seemed that his injury this time was indeed serious.

"Mr. Wan!" She stepped in and woke up Mr. Wan who was in a daze.

Mr. Wan raised his eyes and saw that it was Qi Rongyue who came, his face immediately became happy, and he said with a smile: "It can be regarded as meeting you."

She walked up to Mr. Wan's side, and grabbed his wrist without saying a word, her pulse was weak, and the pulse in her internal organs was chaotic and rapid, it's not good, it's not good.

She frowned: "Mr. Wan, your injury is not serious. In addition to these days of hard work, it is really not good that you have not been able to recuperate properly!"

Mr. Wan waved his hand: "I'm fine, I'm fine, you hurry up and show your master, she doesn't seem to be very well either."

He wanted to get up and go with her, but he couldn't do what he wanted, as long as he moved his body, the wound would hurt so much that he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Qi Rongyue pressed his shoulders, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, I'm here, I'll be there for everything, you should have a good rest first, and I'll come back after watching for the master."

Mr. Wan got her promise, felt relieved, and hurriedly said: "Okay, you go, hurry up, no matter what the result is, come and tell me."

She nodded, quickly exited Mr. Wan's room, and was led by the servants to the guest room at the other end.

The guest room is not too far from the upper room where Mr. Wan lived, and he arrived within a few dozen steps. The door was tightly closed, and she knocked lightly: "Master, are you there?"

First there was a noise from inside, and after a moment of silence came the master's voice: "I'm here, come in."

She opened the door and entered, and the smell of medicine came to her nostrils. She is a doctor and has dealt with medicine all year round.

Frowning tightly, she quickly came to the master, and stretched out her hand to take her pulse, but the master dodged it lightly.

"What are you doing?" she asked, frowning.

Qi Rongyue didn't answer, she stretched out her hand and grabbed her arm forcefully, said with a frown, "I'll let you see." The master's complexion looked very bad, and she was even more flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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