Chapter 659 Looking for trouble?
Chapter 660

The boss raised his eyes and said: "If I say no, it doesn't exist. I opened this bookstore. I don't know what books are there and what books are not. Don't talk nonsense. I'm going to close. I don't have time to chat with you. .”

Zheng Zhongwen was very angry, turned around and sat down on the square stool: "I don't have time to chat with you, you must help me find it today, if you don't find me, you won't leave."

When the boss saw this battle, he also got angry, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Hey - you look dignified, what's the matter? Are you looking for trouble? Let me tell you, I, Ye San, are not easy to mess with." , I don’t go out to inquire about it, I, Ye San, have always been a one-sided master, if I say no today, then I don’t, hurry up and get out, don’t get in my way.”

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "You, Ye San, are not easy to provoke, and I am not easy to provoke, young master. You have to find this book today, or you have to find it if you don't."

Seeing that Zheng Zhongwen had made up his mind and refused to leave, the boss decided that he was here to find fault, so he stopped being polite, turned around, picked up a wooden stick, and rushed towards Zheng Zhongwen, raising the stick in his hand, saying: "I'll ask you one last time, are you going or not?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, calmly: "Don't go!"

The boss heard the words, without further ado, he swung the wooden stick and swung it at Zheng Zhongwen. Zheng Zhongwen is a trainer, and when he saw the man's battle, he knew that the other party had never practiced martial arts, and he was just relying on his masculine strength to do it. .

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the wooden stick as thick as a woman's wrist lightly. With a strong tug, the wooden stick escaped from the man's palm and knocked him to the ground along the way.

Zheng Zhongwen stared at the man lying on the ground who was lying on the ground with a half-smile and said, "Can I find a book now?"

Only then did the man realize that he had provoked a thorn, this is, he really regretted showing off his ability at this moment, thinking that he could scare a few words just because he was a young man.

"I'm looking for it, I can't find it."

The man got up, not daring to provoke the plague god anymore, but he was still resentful in his heart, thinking that you just wanted to find this book, and I couldn't help you find it.

He pretended to walk around in front of the Sifang bookshelf, then spread his hands at Zheng Zhongwen and said, "No, I have already said that the store does not have this book."

Zheng Zhongwen lost his temper, and saw that he couldn't find the book, so he stopped embarrassing him and was about to get up and leave when a child of seven or eight years old walked in, and the child said to the boss: "Father, mother!" Let me call you home for dinner."

The man had black lines all over his head, and he hated Zheng Zhongwen even more in his heart. If it wasn't for him, he would have closed the door and slipped away by now. How could he be blocked by his son? It seems that his plan to go to Cuihong Building today was in vain.

Zheng Zhongwen said to the man: "Boss, I offended you just now. I was just joking with you. I will pay you ten taels of silver first. You have a lot of ways to sell books. Help me find out the whereabouts of this strange doctor. If you find this For this book, I will pay you ten times more."

The man's eyes lit up immediately. He didn't expect that the young man who looked like a plague god was also a God of Wealth. He won ten taels of silver before he even took out this book?

When the little boy at the side heard Zheng Zhongwen's words, he smiled and said, "Big brother, if I help you find this strange doctor's record, will you also give me ten taels of silver?"

Seeing his cute smile, Zheng Zhongwen couldn't help stretching out his hand to rub his top hair, and said with a smile, "Of course, if you find this book, your father's share will be yours."

(End of this chapter)

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