Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 660 I'm Really Useless

Chapter 660 I'm Really Useless

Chapter 661

The little boy laughed immediately, rushed forward and grabbed the ten taels of silver that his father hadn't had time to put away, and grabbed it into his hand. Before his father came forward to snatch it, he turned around and walked to a corner, flipping through a pile of books. Published an ancient book with a worn cover, and walked up to Zheng Zhongwen like offering a treasure: "Big brother, this is the book you want."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly took it, and took a closer look. Sure enough, on the worn-out cover, you could still vaguely see the words Strange Doctor Journal. When you opened the cover, although the paper inside was yellow, the handwriting on it was still very clear, and It was the medical book he was looking for.

He was ecstatic, and hurriedly hugged the boy and kissed him hard on the face: "You are really amazing, thank you."

The boy wiped the drool off his cheeks with his backhand, and said with a smile, "Big brother, you said that if you find this book, you will get 100 taels of silver. Can you give it to me now?"

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly took out a few banknotes from his pocket, all of which were 100 taels. He took one and handed it to the boy, smiling, "Take it, you deserve it."

Xu Shi was so happy. He felt that the reward of 100 taels was too light, so he took out another 100 taels and stuffed it into the boy's hand: "This is for you."

The little boy would not refuse anyone who came, and quickly stuffed the banknotes into his arms. Before the elder brother left and the door of the bookstore was still closed, he ran away quickly. He had to take the money to his mother quickly, otherwise he would be in a hurry. It will fall into Dad's pocket again, and then it will become someone else's. . .He didn't want to give it to dad.

Zheng Zhongwen left with the book in his arms, leaving behind the stunned bookstore owner, who didn't realize for a long time that there was actually this book in his store, but he didn't know it, but his son knew it, and in the blink of an eye, he earned 200 taels silver. . . .

Zheng Zhongwen rushed to the Chu Palace with the book, and Tianqi gave him a token, which allowed him to enter and leave the palace at will without the imperial edict.

"Princess, King Zheng is here, coming this way." The maid said to Qi Rongyue who was testing the medicine.

Qi Rongyue didn't look up, but only hummed softly.

He comes every day, at this time every day, she is used to it.

Xue'er grabbed her hand and said distressedly: "Miss, you haven't eaten all day, take a break."

Qi Rongyue shook her head and pushed Xue'er's hand away: "I don't have time to rest, even if I have time, master can't wait, I can't stop."

With this force, she suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Xueer was standing beside her, supporting her firmly.

"Miss, look at what you have become. If you continue like this, you will die."

Zheng Zhongwen just stepped in one step, heard Xueer's words, rushed over, threw the book in his hand on the countertop, picked up the crumbling Qi Rongyue, and carried her to the couch in the inner hall.

"Didn't you promise me that you would take good care of your body? Look at yourself, how thin you have become, have you not eaten for another day?" He was very distressed, and wanted to share more for her .

She took a deep breath and struggled to get up from the couch: "I'm fine, I can hold on."

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "If you keep going, if something happens, what will you ask the master to do? Can she feel at ease?"

She shook her head with red eyes: "I'm really useless. I have learned medical skills for so long and saved so many people, but I can't cure my master's illness. Why am I so useless?"

(End of this chapter)

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