Chapter 661

Chapter 662

Zheng Zhongwen thought of the book he brought, and hurriedly said to Xueer: "Quick, quickly bring the book on the medicine cabinet."

Xue'er left in a hurry, Qi Rongyue looked up at him: "What book?"

He smiled mysteriously: "You will know in a while."

She was overjoyed: "Have you found the 'Strange Doctor'?"

He said helplessly, "You girl, you can't hide any surprises."

Xue'er had already returned with the book in her hand, Qi Rongyue couldn't sit still anymore, she quickly jumped off the bed, rushed forward and snatched the book from Xue'er's hand, although the cover of the book was torn, you could still see the "strange doctor's history" Three words, her heart was beating wildly, and she quickly opened the book to take a closer look, the smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

"It's it, it's really it."

"The Strange Doctor" was written by a genius doctor 200 years ago. Because of his eccentric character, the world called him the strange doctor. As time passed, he also got used to the name of the strange doctor. All the things he has learned and heard in his life are included in this book, which is named "Strange Doctor's Chronicle". Because his personal disciples are also weird in nature, he has not recruited many disciples. It was circulated among the disciples until a hundred years later, another miracle doctor emerged from the school of strange doctors. Give it to your own disciples, and they will spread the medical skills of the strange doctors all over the world.

There are only a few strange doctor's books in the world, and the master has one, which was also left to her by the grandfather, and the rest are missing. Unexpectedly, she would really be lucky enough to see the "weird doctor's book" again.

Xue'er moved closer to Zheng Zhongwen's side, and said in a low voice, "My lord, Miss, she hasn't eaten for another day."

When Zheng Zhongwen heard this, he frowned immediately: "You go and serve the meal, and I will let her eat."

Xueer went there with a smile. With Zheng Zhongwen here, the lady will definitely eat.

Zheng Zhongwen walked up to Qi Rongyue and snatched the book from her hand.

"What are you doing, give it to me quickly." She shouted anxiously.

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I won't give it if I don't eat, I will give it after I eat."

It's useless to reason with her, and it's useless to persuade her, so he can only force her, who made her so disobedient.

Qi Rongyue saw that he had a serious face, and it seemed that it was useless to say anything, so she could only compromise: "Okay, okay, can I eat it? You put the book away and don't break it for me, or I will spare you." Not you."

When Zheng Zhongwen saw that she agreed to eat, a smile appeared on his face: "If it breaks, why don't you plan to spare me?"

Qi Rongyue gave him a squinting look, and snorted, "Take off your clothes and parade in the street."

He was amused by her, and he couldn't straighten up with a smile: "You girl, you have no conscience. Thanks to my hard work day and night these days, you don't feel bad at all, and you want to strip me naked and parade in the street. Why don't you strip me?" It’s better to just tie my clothes to the bed/on the bed, and do whatever you want.”

She blushed and gave him a white look: "You have a pretty good idea."

With a long sigh, he held her hand: "We'll get married after the master's illness is cured, okay?"

She nodded, smiling brightly: "Yeah!"

As soon as Xue'er had set the meal, a court lady walked in quickly and said to Qi Rongyue, "Princess, King Jin asks to see you."

Zheng Zhongwen immediately frowned, and said displeasedly: "What is he doing here in the middle of the night? See you, tell him to go back and talk to me tomorrow if he has something to say." Where does this guy think he is here?Come in the middle of the night, don't you know what it means to have a relationship between a man and a woman?
(End of this chapter)

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