Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 662 Planning is not as fast as change

Chapter 662 Planning is not as fast as change

Chapter 663

After all, the maid was Qi Rongyue's maid, after hearing Zheng Zhongwen's words, she didn't move, she looked at Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue said: "Let him come in, it must be urgent."

The palace lady went away, and Zheng Zhongwen threw the chopsticks in her hand on the table, sulking alone.

She bumped him with her shoulder and asked with a smile, "Are you angry?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted, "My daughter-in-law sees other men at night, if I say I'm not angry, would you believe me?"

"As narrow-minded as you are, if you really say you're not angry, I really don't believe it."

He was angry because he cared about her, not really narrow-minded. She knew it in her heart, and her heart warmed up. She got up and kissed him on the cheek secretly, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't be angry anymore."

Zheng Zhongwen enjoyed it very much, his heart was full of joy, but his face was still serious: "How dare you kiss me secretly, wait, when that guy leaves, I will definitely let you pay the debt yourself."

Xue'er was almost bursting out laughing, but she still tried her best to hold it back, she was about to suffocate internal injuries, she waved her hands and said, "I can't do it anymore, I really can't stand you two, I have to go out and laugh for a while."

Min Hengzhi walked in quickly and saw Xueer standing at the door smiling from a distance, so he asked, "What are you laughing at? So happy."

Xue'er stopped laughing, pointed inside and said meaningfully: "Laugh at them, you and I will never end."

Min Hengzhi's originally bright face suddenly became cloudy, and Zheng Zhongwen is there?
He quickly stepped into the inner hall, and saw the two sitting next to each other at the dining table, Zheng Zhongwen was serving dishes for Rong Yue, Rong Yue was eating seriously, both of them had smiles on their faces, their pulses were warm and affectionate Between the two, it is clear at a glance.

He felt a pain in his heart, seeing Zheng Zhongwen's eyes swept over him, he hurriedly put away the concentration on his face, pretended to have a calm and indifferent face, and nodded to Zheng Zhongwen: "The side-by-side king is also there."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, gently put down the chopsticks in his hand, and asked softly, "I'm here every day, but I don't know why King Jin came here this time?"

Min Hengzhi smiled indifferently: "Of course there is something to do." He stepped forward and opened the small bag in his hand. There was a book inside. The book cover was very old, but it was still very well preserved. The owner cherishes this book very much.

He handed the book in front of Qi Rongyue: "This is the 'Strange Doctor's Chronicle' you wanted. I just got it and sent it to the palace immediately. I hope it can help Master."

Qi Rongyue took the book and flipped through a few pages. This strange doctor's journal is almost exactly the same as the strange doctor's journal that Zhongwen brought. She only needs one, and she doesn't need two, so she handed the book back to Min Hengzhi: " Zhongwen has already helped me find the 'Strange Doctor's Journal', which is exactly the same as yours."

Seeing that Min Hengzhi accepted the book with an ugly face, she said again: "It can be seen that the owner of this book cherishes this book very much. You should return it. Only by keeping this book among the people can it help more people."

Min Hengzhi nodded, and glanced lightly at Zheng Zhongwen, who happened to be looking at him too, his four eyes intersected, and sparks flew everywhere. A man knows what is in a woman's gaze, and a man knows best in his heart.

Knowing that someone has a different heart for his fiancée, how can he give her a good face?

Min Hengzhi ignored Zheng Zhongwen, turned to Qi Rongyue and said, "I'm going to see the master tomorrow, do you want to go?"

Zheng Zhongwen immediately answered: "I'll talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow, what's the use of talking now? Haven't you heard that planning is not as fast as changing?"

(End of this chapter)

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