Chapter 663 Iced Plum Wine

Chapter 664

Min Hengzhi frowned: "I'm talking to Rongyue, why are you interrupting me?"

Zheng Zhongwen shrugged: "Is there an interruption? I just helped her say what she wanted to say, but you, since the book has been delivered, we won't keep you."

Min Hengzhi had no choice but to look at Qi Rongyue, and was about to say a few more words, but was blocked by Qi Rongyue: "Zhong Wen is right, it's getting late, it's not appropriate for you to stay here , go back, let’s talk about it another day.”

Zhongwen coughed softly, she laughed secretly, and said again: "There is no special important matter in the future, so don't come at night, I'm afraid it's not good for people to gossip when they see it."

Seeing her tactful words, Zheng Zhongwen took up the conversation again and said: "Don't come during the day, you are a dignified king of Jin. If you don't return to Jincheng, you will always stay in Beijing. What's the matter? There is no errand for you in the capital city, hurry up Go back to Jincheng, if you have anything to do in the future, just talk to me, don't bother Rong Yue, she is busy."

Min Hengzhi was about to explode with anger, and tried his best to maintain his demeanor in front of Rongyue: "I don't need to decide whether to stay or not, the master is seriously ill, how can I leave? I have to wait until the master's illness improves before leaving .”

Walk?He didn't want to leave, wouldn't he never see Rong Yue again?
"Okay, I'm full and tired, you all go." She couldn't wait for a moment, she just wanted to start studying "Strange Doctor Chronicles" quickly, the two quarreled endlessly, and she still How to read a book?

Knowing that she was impatient, Zheng Zhongwen also saw that the porridge in her bowl had run out, and all the vegetables and pastries that Bu had given her had been eaten, so he simply got up: "Alright, I still have something to talk about with King Jin, you can come sooner." Rest, don't read too late, it will hurt your eyes."

Qi Rongyue pushed him to go out: "I know, I know, you can go quickly, you are nagging endlessly, like an old woman."

Although she was complaining about Zheng Zhongwen, her face was full of smiles, her eyes watered softly, and her voice was so sweet.

Min Hengzhi saw it in his eyes and was jealous in his heart. Those smiles and tender feelings in the past belonged to him and belonged to him.

The two left the Chu Palace and did not part ways, but went together to a wine shop that sold wine all night.

"Boss, here are two jars of iced plum wine." Zheng Zhongwen shouted to the wine seller as soon as he sat down.

The boss who was chopping vegetables looked back at him, and immediately smiled and said: "Young Master Zheng is here, you came at the right time, this year's newly brewed ice plum wine has just opened today, and it is fragrant, just wait, this just come."

After a while, the boss came out with two small jars, and placed them on the table in front of the two of them, and asked with a smile, "Are the dishes still the same?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "As usual, double."

After the boss left with a smile on his face, Min Hengzhi looked around in surprise. It can be said that it is a very remote corner, and the bartenders are also very simple. It seems that it is a place where very poor people come.

And Zheng Zhongwen, who used to be the grand son of the Yongping Hou Mansion, is now the emperor's newly crowned side-by-side king. How could he come to such a place to drink?
"It looks like you know this boss very well, do you come here often?" He raised his eyebrows and asked.

Zheng Zhongwen nodded, "I come here often, and if I pass by, I will come in and have a seat."

Seeing the surprise in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Why? Do you think that a person like me should not appear in such a place?"

(End of this chapter)

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