Chapter 668

Chapter 669

Dina frowned: "That can't go, he has his life, and we have ours. If we meet, just say hello, and we can't bother him."

Diwu said: "But sister, we don't have much money. If we stay in a hotel, we may not be able to stay for a few days. What shall we do in the future?"

How to do?
Dina didn't know what to do. They had no relatives here, and they didn't know the living habits of the people here. Living in the desert for many years, he can only herd camels and grow some herbs.

The three siblings walked aimlessly on the long street, gradually walked out of the bustling and noisy street, and turned into a quieter street.

"Sister, I'm hungry." Diwu rubbed his belly and said to Dina.

Diwu is just 14 years old. She is growing up. She wished she could eat five meals a day. She said that she should save money every day, but she couldn't bear to see Diwu go hungry. In addition, the distance was far away, and they walked a lot. Detours, money almost exhausted.

Just when Dina was thinking about how many days the money on her body would last in the capital city, Di Jia shouted excitedly into her ears: "Sister, look quickly, it's Zheng Shizi, it's Zheng Shizi."

She hurriedly raised her head, and saw the other side of the long street, a young man in fresh clothes galloping towards him. His long black hair was tied up high, and his handsome face was shrouded in a faint haze.

He rode on horseback, running very fast, staring at the distance without squinting, and did not notice the existence of the three siblings.

Di Jia was afraid that he would not hear her cry, so he rushed to the middle of the road, closed his eyes and opened his arms to stop the galloping horse.

Suddenly a man ran out in the middle of the road, Zheng Zhongwen reined in hastily, the horse's front hooves were raised high, and it couldn't stop for a while, the horse's hoof unexpectedly kicked Di Jia's head and face fiercely.

Di Jia was kicked to the ground, her head and face immediately swelled up like a pig's head, she fell to the ground in pain and began to cry.

Dina and Diwu hurried forward to help Di Jia up, avoiding to the side, so as not to startle the horse again because of crying and screaming, Di Jia, a reckless girl, must be kicked twice again.

Zheng Zhongwen quickly got off his horse and rushed to Di Jia, "Girl, are you okay?" He could no longer remember Di Jia's appearance, and even if he did, he couldn't recognize the pig's head-like face at this time.

Dina, who supported Di Jia, blushed and said, "Young Master Zheng."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyes and realized that it was Dina's third sibling. He asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Di Wu said with a mournful face: "Brother Zheng, I wanted to come to see the capital city. My sister couldn't resist me, so I came together. I just arrived today, and I haven't found a place to stay yet. The second sister said to find you, but The elder sister refused, saying that she didn't want to trouble you."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned slightly, looked at Dina who was silent and downcast, and then looked at Di Jia who was crying, and then said: "Well, I'm going to Mr. Wan's house, you go with me, Wan Mr.'s house is very big, you should live in his house first."

Diwu looked overjoyed, but Dina looked sad. He refused to take them home because he was afraid that his fiancée might misunderstand them?
Heh—what can be misunderstood?Mr. Zheng has never looked at her directly, let alone any intimate behavior. Who would doubt such a man?Unless that person is blind.

(End of this chapter)

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