Chapter 669 Brand new world

Chapter 670

Dina showed hesitation: "Is it not good for us to suddenly go to Mr. Wan's house like this?"

Zheng Zhongwen said in a low voice: "My master also lives in Mr. Wan's house. He has been ill recently. If you stay here, you can just take care of her for a while."

Knowing that Master Jian is also living in Mr. Wan's house, Dina breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "That's great, but Master Jian is a miracle doctor, so will she get sick too?"

Zheng Zhongwen didn't want to say more, turned around and led the horse: "Let's go."

Cross this street and turn into another wider long street. In the middle of the long street is Wanzhai.

When the old man at the gate saw Zheng Zhongwen, he let him go without saying a word.

Entering Wanzhai, the three brothers and sisters of the Di family were stunned. They had been living in the desert, and the house they lived in was the simplest wooden house, which was considered the best and most luxurious house in Luther Village. In order to save money, I only stayed in the inn once, and most of the time I was camping. Although I saw some houses in some cities that looked very elegant, I never thought that the scenery inside the house would look like this. It was as if a whole new world was unfolding before their eyes.

Every tree, flower and plant in the house has been carefully pruned manually, and every stone pillar is carved with very exquisite patterns, even the bluestone bricks on the soles of the feet, which are also so textured, the exquisite garden is like The fairyland, the vast house dazzled them.

Diwu sighed: "How many people can live in such a big house?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Master, I don't know how many servants there are in total for Mr. Wan and Master."

Diwu didn't quite understand: "Master? Servant?"

Dina explained to her younger brother: "The master is the owner of this house, and the servants are here to help the workers, responsible for cleaning and serving the master."

Diwu was stunned, and at the same time, he was full of surprise: "There are so many people serving Mr. Wan and Master Jian? Then don't they have to do any work?"

Zheng Zhongwen did not make a sound, and led them straight to the backyard to go to the room. Mr. Wan and Master Jian were sitting in the yard basking in the sun and drinking tea. The two seemed to have just had an argument, and they both had unhappy expressions on their faces, but neither of them said anything. He got up to leave, but drank his tea without taking a sip.

Zheng Zhongwen led the people in, and greeted from a distance: "Mr. Wan, master."

When Jian Yun saw him coming, there were still people following him. When he looked closely, it was Dina's third sibling. He frowned, and then smiled again: "Dina? Why are you here?"

Dina stepped forward quickly, with a shy expression on her face: "Di Wu said that he wanted to come to Kyoto to see and see, and I didn't want to stay in the sad place of Mobei, so we came together."

Jian Yun nodded, and asked again: "Then do you have a place to stay now?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "I just met them on the street. They have no place to stay now. Thinking that there are still a few vacant rooms here, I brought them here."

Jian Yun smiled knowingly at Zheng Zhongwen: "Well done." She turned her head to Dina and said, "I will live in peace in the future, and let Zhongwen arrange an errand for Di Wu, and sooner or later all three of you siblings will be able to stay in the capital city." Standing."

Dina was overjoyed, and hurriedly called Ladiwu and said, "Wu Brother, please thank Master Jian and Mr. Zheng soon." She never expected that as soon as she entered the capital city, she would meet Zheng Zhongwen and solve their current problems. Biggest difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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