Chapter 670
Chapter 671

Diwu was also overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down to Master Jian and Zheng Zhongwen, Zheng Zhongwen pulled him back quickly: "We don't like this, I think you have a lot of strength, why don't you go to the patrol camp to practice, although life is hard there , but it is easy to have a bright future, if you are not afraid of hardship, I will recommend it for you."

Diwu hurriedly said: "I am not afraid of hardships, I am not afraid of any hardships, I am willing to go to the patrol camp."

Jian Yun nodded, and her eyes fell on Di Jia again. Seeing Di Jia's appearance, she frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Dijia glanced at Zheng Zhongwen with resentful eyes, then lowered her head and remained silent.

Dina hurriedly said: "She was too reckless. Seeing Mr. Zheng galloping on the road, she rushed to the road without knowing what to do."

Mr. Wan laughed and said, "So you were kicked by a horse?"

Di Jia was so ashamed, she turned around and wiped her tears secretly.

Jian Yun said softly: "It's okay, it's just swollen. Fortunately, the skin is not broken, and it will be better in a few days." She waved to the servants in the courtyard: "Take them to live in the east courtyard, and ask a doctor to help them. Miss Dijia, take a look at the injury and use good medicine."

Dina thanked him and raised her eyes to look at Zheng Zhongwen, only to see him standing beside Master Jian without squinting, his expression as indifferent and alienated as before.

She sighed softly in her heart, turned around and left the South Courtyard with her two siblings.

After people walked away, Mr. Wan joked: "Brother Zhongwen, I think this Miss Dina is here for you, from a thousand miles away, and you don't even want to take another look at her, just look at her resentful expression." Looks... tsk tsk tsk..."

Jian Yun glared at him: "If you feel pity for her so much, you might as well marry her as your wife. It just so happens that the Wan family has such a large family business that it still lacks a mistress."

Seeing that Jian Yun was unhappy, Mr. Wan hurriedly said: "We already have a candidate for the hostess of the Wan family, and it's not her turn."

Jian Yun snorted, turned to Zheng Zhongwen and said, "It was right for you to bring them here, but it would be wrong to bring them back to the Duke's Mansion or the Prince's Mansion."

Zhongwen nodded: "I didn't think too much about it, but I just didn't want to have too much entanglement with them, and seeing that they have nothing to rely on now, so I brought it to Mr. Wan's house, and wanted the master to arrange them."

Jian Yun nodded: "I'm here, don't worry." She glanced at the court clothes Zheng Zhongwen was wearing, and said, "Are you just coming to court?"

Zhong Wen nodded: "Yes, I met Rong Yue who was going back crying outside the palace gate."

Jian Yun's chest hurt, and she sighed: "That child is too stubborn. I told her that my illness is just like this. She didn't listen, didn't believe it, and wanted to go against the sky, so I didn't give it to her." I have a good face, and I do it for her own good."

Mr. Wan interjected: "I heard both of you talking. It's clear that you have a problem with your attitude. What you say is for her's good is obviously—"

Jian Yun glanced at him, as cold as a blade, he quickly shut up and stopped talking.

This appearance made Zheng Zhongwen even more suspicious. It seemed that, as Rong Yue said, the master must have something to hide from them.

"Master, have you never heard of the cold dragon beard?"

Jian Yun simply shook her head: "I haven't heard of it, there is no such thing in this world, you go tell Rongyue, let her stop wasting her efforts in vain."

Zhongwen said: "But my father said that he had heard of the cold jiao in Longxi, but he didn't know what it was."

(End of this chapter)

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