Chapter 680 Wu Jiang
Chapter 681

"Okay, don't be poor, both of you, hurry up and go back after eating." Qi Rongyue picked up a chopstick and stuffed it into Zheng Zhongwen's mouth.

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "No, I will live in the palace today, and I won't go back. I see that there are still many vacant rooms in your palace. Let Xueer go and clean up one room. I have to go to court tomorrow morning, so it won't save me. Running back and forth."

Before Qi Rongyue could speak, Xue'er yelled first: "That's not okay, if people know that you are not married—then what will happen to my young lady?"

Zheng Zhongwen took out an exquisitely packaged box from his arms: "The new fragrance powder from Tianxianglou is hard to find!"

Xue'er's eyes turned green when she saw it, and she quickly reached out to grab it.

Zheng Zhongwen withdrew his hands and said with a smile: "Then my room——"

Xue'er snatched the powder box from his hand, grinning from ear to ear: "I'll prepare it right away, you wait."

Xue'er left happily holding the powder box, Qi Rongyue helplessly supported her forehead: "Just a box of powder will sell the master, I'm too cheap!"

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "She is smart, she knows how to use the slope to get off the donkey, and she also understands that my brown candy cannot be easily thrown away."

She was unable to look up at the sky, and it seemed that her desire to read all night tonight was about to come to nothing.


Two days later, Yongding Duke's Mansion.

Zheng Guogong learned that his old friend had come to the mansion, so he went to the middle gate to greet him.

"Wu Jiang, you old man, I'm looking forward to you." Zheng Guogong walked forward with a smile, and looked up and down his old friend who hadn't seen him for many years: "You old boy, how thin you are?" What does it look like? It looks like a monkey in the mountains."

Wu Jiang waved his hand: "It's a long story, so I don't need to mention it. Now that I've come to this capital, I plan to come back again. The past is over, everything is over."

Zheng Guogong also has no intention of exploring his past. He knows Wu Jiang very well. He is a person who can distinguish between love and hate. He can give everything for the things he likes and the people he likes. As long as he is determined to do something, he will definitely do it Going forward, what the current Chu Dynasty lacks the most is people like him.

Zheng Guogong walked towards the front hall with his old friend, and at the same time sent people to inform Zheng Zhongwen separately, asking him to bring Qi Rongyue to the Duke's mansion as soon as possible.

Two hours later, Zheng Zhongwen hurried back to the Duke's Mansion with Qi Rongyue.

"Come, come, let me introduce you. This is Wu Jiang, a good friend I met when I was stationed in Longxi for many years."

"Hello, Uncle Wu."

When Wu Jiang heard that Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue called him Uncle Wu, he said with a straight face, "You should call me Uncle Wu, I am five years younger than your father."

"Ah——Wu, Uncle Wu." Zheng Zhongwen laughed dryly twice, and said again: "It seems that Uncle Wu suffered a lot in Longxi."

Zheng Guogong smiled presumptuously: "You say that you call yourself my younger brother in front of people, who will believe it? If you grow a few white hairs on your head, others will think you are my uncle, hahahaha!!"

Wu Jiang glared at him angrily: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, didn't you just say that the two of them have something important to ask me? Now that you are here, hurry up and ask, I have been on the road for days, and I am tired Now, hurry up and finish asking me so I can go to rest."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly sat down next to Wu Jiang, and asked with a serious face: "Uncle Wu, oh——Uncle Wu, do you still remember the cold flood that you told my father back then?"

Wu Jiang thought for a while, then nodded: "I still remember, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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