Chapter 681
Chapter 682

Zheng Zhongwen said: "That's right. My master has recently suffered from a strange disease. No medicine can cure it. Only by using the cold dragon's beard as medicine can it be possible to cure this strange disease. We know nothing about the cold dragon's beard. I know, so I want to ask you Uncle Wu a few things, and I hope Uncle Wu can let you know."

Wu Jiang's complexion changed drastically, and his eyes were full of shock: "What did you say? You want to use cold dragon's beard as medicine? Is this true?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "It's true, our knowledge is shallow, we have never heard of the Hanjiao, and we don't know what the Hanjiaoxu is. I hope Uncle Wu will explain it in detail."

Seeing his sincerity and his old friend Zheng Guogong's puzzled expression, Wu Jiang hesitated whether to speak or not.

Qi Rongyue saw the suspicious look on his face, and hurriedly asked: "Is there something unspeakable about Uncle Wu?"

Wu Jiang waved his hand: "Unspeakable Yin can't be called it, but this matter is of great importance. I need you to give me a promise so that I can tell the truth."

"What promise?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

Wu Jiang said solemnly: "I want you to promise me that no matter what, you will never have the idea of ​​looking for the cold dragon's beard again."

When Zheng Guogong heard this, he was also shocked. He knew Wu Jiang's temperament very well, and he was not afraid of heaven and earth, but when he mentioned Han Jiao just now, there was a hint of fear in his eyes, and the meaning in his words was very obvious. It seems that Zhong Wen and Rong Yue are not willing to take risks.

Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue exchanged glances, both of them knew in their hearts that if they didn't agree, Wu Jiang would definitely not tell the truth.

"Okay, we promise you."

Zhongwen's straightforwardness made Zheng Guogong worried. His son, he knew, was not a person who would easily retreat in spite of difficulties.

Wu Jiang nodded, took a sip of tea first, then took a deep breath before speaking.

"The cold dragon has been dormant in the cold pool for many years. The cold dragon is a spiritual creature that gathers the essence of heaven and earth. It is full of treasures. The pearls in its body have the effect of bringing people back to life. The skin of the dragon can avoid water and fire. Jiao meat can be used as medicine to make heat from cold, but Jiao Xu has never heard of it, but since Jiao meat can be used as medicine, Jiao Xu can also be used."

"This Frost Flood Dragon is very vicious. It is several tens of feet long and resides at the bottom of the cold pool. Anyone who passes by will be sucked into the pool with its tail and swallowed alive. Human beings have almost no resistance when they encounter it. , the real cannibalism does not spit out the bones."

"Such a huge monster, not to mention getting dragon whiskers from it, but just wanting to see it, it's all courting death."

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath again, and his voice became trembling: "My elder brother was buried in the belly of the cold dragon. I saw it with my own eyes, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even collect his body." Can't do it."

It turned out that his relatives died in the mouth of Han Jiao, no wonder he was so excited and terrified when he mentioned Han Jiao.

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "Where is the cold pool where the cold flood dragons lie dormant?"

Wu Jiangdao: "It's not in the territory of the Chu Dynasty, but in the Zhou Dynasty, that place is called Funiu Mountain, and Hantan is in the mountain. My mother was sick that year, and my family was too poor to buy medicine. I heard that there is a kind of Herbal medicine can cure my mother's illness, so my eldest brother and I went to Funiu Mountain secretly. At that time, I was still wondering why there were so many products on Funiu Mountain, but there were no people. In order to bring more things back, we two brothers went deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper—”

(End of this chapter)

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