Chapter 687
Chapter 688

Zheng Zhongwen thought about what he said, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he didn't pursue it further.

Min Hengzhi asked again: "Did anything special happen between you two recently?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "Special thing? What do you mean?"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "I don't know, I always think it's strange that Rong Yue left Beijing to guard the mausoleum this time, so I wanted to ask you."

weird things?Zheng Zhongwen thought for a while, if she said something strange, it must be that she immediately gave up looking for Han Jiao's beard after learning that Han Jiao was a fierce beast. This is not in line with her usual style of doing things. People who say give up.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his mind, and he thought of a possibility.

"What's wrong with you?" Min Hengzhi asked.

He shook his head: "No, no, she won't do that, definitely not."

Min Hengzhi asked: "What happened to you?"

Zheng Zhongwen told Min Hengzhi all the things about Hanjiao that he heard from Wu Jiang that day. Min Hengzhi is also a master's apprentice, so he should know these things.

Min Hengzhi had a deep mind, and he knew Chu Tianyu's personality very well, and he knew that the relationship between her and her master was like a mother and daughter. After hearing Zheng Zhongwen's words, his face darkened immediately.

He pointed at Zheng Zhongwen, with a speechless expression on his face: "You guys, you usually seem to be a very shrewd person, why can't you figure out this idea? God——Rong Yue, she is going alone under the guise of guarding the mausoleum." After entering the Zhou Dynasty, he wanted to find Han Jiaoxu to save Master, he didn’t want you to go on an adventure with her, why did you—”

Min Hengzhi's words were like thunderbolts exploding beside him. What Min Hengzhi said was right, he had doubted it before, but he insisted in his heart that Rongyue and Tianqi would not lie to him, so he didn't continue to think about it elsewhere. Those words made him wake up suddenly.

"No, I want to go into the palace to ask Tianqi." Zheng Zhongwen took out a silver ingot from his arms and threw it on the table, got up and ran.

Min Hengzhi followed closely behind, and the two rode together to the Chu Palace.

Just as Chu Tianqi fell asleep, the eunuch came to report in a hurry: "Your Majesty, King Side-by-side and King Jin are here, and they are waiting outside, saying that they have something to see."

Chu Tianqi frowned, they never came to the palace to look for him so late, did they know something?
He got up helplessly and got out of bed, put on his outer shirt and went to the side hall.

"Your Majesty, tell me honestly, is Rong Yue really just going to guard the mausoleum?" Zheng Zhongwen looked anxious and his heart was beating wildly. never come back.

Chu Tianqi tried his best to maintain his emotions, and said with a smile, "Of course, of course it's just to guard the mausoleum. Otherwise, what else can we do?"

Min Hengzhi said: "Your Majesty, this is a matter of human life, you must not hide anything, otherwise you will miss a big deal."

Chu Tianqi was puzzled: "What matters is human life? Please speak clearly."

Zheng Zhongwen said anxiously: "We suspect that Rong Yue, under the guise of guarding the mausoleum, will secretly leave the imperial mausoleum after entering the mausoleum to do other things."

Chu Tianqi laughed dryly: "How is this possible, no, no, no, my sister would not do such a thing."

Min Hengzhi said directly: "Your Majesty, I know that you must have promised Rong Yue to keep the secret for her, and she must have not told you what she really wants to do, otherwise you would definitely not agree."

Chu Tianqi became more and more puzzled: "What exactly are you trying to say?" These two people came in the middle of the night and said a lot of things he didn't understand, which made him worry.

(End of this chapter)

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