Chapter 688
Chapter 689

Zheng Zhongwen simply told Chu Tianqi about the cold beard, and Chu Tianqi turned pale when he heard that: "No, can't you? She clearly, clearly told me that she was only going to go to the doctor for three months and would be back soon." of."

Sure enough, she did not really go to guard the mausoleum. At this moment, Zheng Zhongwen felt that the strength in her body was drained instantly. It has been seven days, seven days have passed, where is she now?Where is he going to find her?


The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, New City.

"Brother, can you tell me that I want to see Prince An."

She thought that she would never come to Zhou Dynasty in her life, she thought that she would never meet Zhou An again, but she didn't expect it. . .

The officers and soldiers guarding the palace gate looked Qi Rongyue up and down, seeing that her attire and accent were not from the locals, they frowned and said, "Do you have a token?"

Qi Rongyue thought about whether to use the dagger on her body as a token, but she felt that it was not appropriate. The two in front of her were just guarding the palace gate. All they could do was pass on the message to the superior, and then the superior sent the message to the higher superior. Well, this dagger has changed hands several times, it's really hard to say whether it can be returned to its original owner.

She smiled and said: "I don't have a token. Prince An and I are old friends. Tell him my surname is Qi, and he will meet me."

The guard shook his head: "We don't dare to send word to the palace without a token. I don't know how many girls come to see Prince An every day. If we all report to Prince An, wouldn't Prince An want to punish us?"

While speaking, a gorgeously dressed woman walked to the gate of the palace surrounded by several maids, and said to the guards, "Please help me send a message to Prince An." The money bag was stuffed into the guard's hand.

The guard weighed the weight and said with a smile: "It's easy to say." He took out a booklet from his arms and handed it to the girl: "Fill in your surname and address, and if there is a portrait, put it in it too." in."

The woman was quite disappointed, but she had no other choice but to do so.

After the girl left with the maids, Qi Rongyue asked the guard: "Why are there so many women asking to see Prince An?"

The guard pointed to the imperial list behind him: "Look for yourself."

"Choosing a concubine?" She was a little puzzled. When choosing a concubine, you choose a concubine. Why do you want the girl to recommend herself?

She took out an ingot of silver from her bosom, handed it to the guard, and said with a smile: "It seems that if I want to see Prince An, I have to write my name in the book."

Seeing her generous hand, the guard finally showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then handed the booklet in front of her: "You are lucky, this booklet is sent in every three days, and today is the third day, so hurry up and write it down." , and someone will come to pick it up in another hour."

Qi Rongyue wrote down her name and the name of the inn she saw on the road, and handed it back to the guard. If Zhou An saw her writing, he would probably come to see her.

Not long after Qi Rongyue left, someone came to the gate of the palace to pick up the brochure, and the brochure was quickly delivered to the palace where Zhou An was.

"Prince, this is the roster of concubines recommended by me in the past three days." An eunuch put the roster in front of Zhou An.

Zhou Andan glanced at it and said, "Leave it alone for now."

This time, he let it go for three full days, and Qi Rongyue, who had been waiting for him outside the palace, also waited for him for three full days.

In the afternoon, Zhou An was tossing and turning on the couch unable to sleep as he was dealing with the government affairs assigned by his father, King An.

(End of this chapter)

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