Chapter 689
Chapter 690

His eyes fell on the table, where there were two booklets, one was delivered three days ago and the other was delivered just now. Thinking of his father's weakening body, and thinking of him chanting in front of him every day. If he stopped, he turned over and sat up helplessly. As the prince who will inherit the throne, his first important task is to find a suitable princess and give birth to an heir as soon as possible.

The selection of concubines this time is to choose two side concubines, Qiu Ying is the main concubine, and she will marry three at a time. . .He refused in his heart, but every time he faced his father's expectant eyes, what else could he say?
He held the booklet in his hand, and flipped through it like a horse watching the lanterns. After reading the whole book, he didn't remember a single name, so he threw it aside.

Picking up the booklet below again, flipping through it perfunctorily, he quickly turned to the last page. The moment he closed the booklet, he suddenly opened the booklet again and turned to the last page. The last page of the booklet On the page, Qi Rongyue was actually written with the words Qi Rongyue, and that handwriting was exactly the penetrating handwriting he was familiar with. Is it her?Is it really her?Or is it just a person with the same name?
"Come on, prepare your horse."

He took two guards out of the palace and went straight to the original inn outside the palace.

The shopkeeper saw Zhou An coming in, dressed in brocade clothes, and hurried forward to greet him personally: "Does this guest officer want to stay in the shop or become a top?"

Zhou An said: "I'm looking for someone, shopkeeper, do you have a girl surnamed Qi staying here?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Miss Qi also specially instructed me that someone came to her and reported it immediately."

The guard behind Zhou An said: "Then why don't you go quickly?"

The shopkeeper looked embarrassed: "To be honest, Ms. Qi has been waiting here for three days, and no one came to her for three days. She has already checked out and left early this morning."

Zhou An's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked, "Is that Miss Qi a native of Zhou Dynasty?"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "Not from Zhou Dynasty, she said she is from Chu Dynasty and came to Zhou Dynasty to find an old friend."

Zhou An's heart was beating wildly, both excited and scared.

He was afraid that if she left, he would never see her again.

"When did she leave? Did you tell me where she went?" Zhou An asked urgently
The shopkeeper said: "She didn't say where to go, but she asked me about a place."


"Funiu Mountain, she asked me where Funiu Mountain is, and I said I didn't know, and asked her to buy a topographic map of the Zhou Dynasty at the Old Liu Bookstore on East Street."

Zhou An nodded, turned around and said to the guard: "Reward!"

He quickly went out and got on the horse. Because he was too anxious, he didn't step on the horse firmly and almost fell off the horse's back. This scared the two guards beside him to the brim. He was also very curious about who this Miss Qi was. To make Prince An, who has always been calm and self-sufficient, rush into such a state.

When Zhou An rushed to the bookstore, there was no one else in the bookstore except two young people who were picking books.

Seeing that Zhou An was in a hurry, the guard hurriedly dragged the owner of the bookstore aside, and asked in a low voice, "Did a girl come to buy a topographical map of the Zhou Dynasty just now?"

The boss nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, not long after I left, I don't look like a local, and my accent is wrong."

The guard went to see Zhou An, but saw Zhou An staring blankly at the outside of the bookstore.

"Boss, is there something wrong with your map?"

The boss hurriedly turned around and saw the girl who had just come to buy the map, and greeted him with a smile: "Young lady came just in time, someone here is looking for you."

(End of this chapter)

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