Chapter 690
Chapter 691

Qi Rongyue followed the gestures of the owner of the bookstore and saw Zhou Anzheng standing in the bookstore staring at her in a daze.

"Mr. Zhou—oh no, it's time to call you King An." She thought she couldn't wait for him, so she went to Funiu Mountain by herself. She had time, but the master didn't have so much time to waste. She had to find Han as soon as possible. Jiao.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hide the joy and enthusiasm in his eyes. He involuntarily stepped forward and came to her: "Did you come to find me on purpose?"

She smiled slightly: "Of course, it's a pity that it's not easy to see you."

Zhou An smiled dryly and scratched his head: "It's my fault. I should have given you a token back then, and I kept you waiting."

Qi Rongyue looked around and said: "Let's find a quiet place to sit down, I have something to ask."

Zhou An repeatedly said hello, and murmured in his heart, what is it that made her come all the way to Zhou Chao to look for him.

The two found a teahouse nearby and sat down. Before Xiao Er had served tea, Zhou An looked at Qi Rongyue carefully. Since the last time we parted in Wuyuan, she seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and her smile was still as gentle and shallow as before, but There was always a hint of sadness lingering between the eyebrows.

"I heard that you were named Princess Protector, congratulations." He took the teapot brought by Xiao Er, waved him to step down, and poured tea for Qi Rongyue himself.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "It's just a false name, but you, I heard that you will inherit the throne soon."

Zhou An smiled wryly: "As you said, it's just a false name that can bind personal freedom, and I have no choice."

Thinking of the hardships of Brother Qi after he returned to the throne, he was tied up in the imperial study room all day long at a young age, reviewing memorials day and night, what he lost was far more than what he gained.

She also smiled bitterly: "I understand."

"I came to you this time to ask for something." She didn't want to waste any more time, and simply got straight to the point.

Zhou An raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What is it that made you come all the way here?"

"To be honest, my master has a strange disease, which needs to be cured with the medicine of cold dragon's beard, but this cold dragon's beard did not exist in the Chu Dynasty, only you have it in the Zhou Dynasty."

Zhou An frowned, his face changed slightly: "The cold dragon's beard you mentioned, but the long beard of the fierce beast's cold dragon?"

"Exactly, I heard that in your royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, there is something that can subdue the cold dragon. There was once a warrior of the Zhou Dynasty who conquered the cold dragon. There are still dragon beads in the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty. I don't know if this is true. ?”

Zhou An nodded: "There is indeed such a thing, but the warrior had already damaged the treasure when he was fighting the Frost Flood Dragon. I don't know if it is still effective."

Zhou An said again: "The cold dragon is extremely ferocious, not to mention that the treasure is already damaged, even if it is intact, it will be even more difficult to subdue it with only the treasure. Could it be that there is no other medicine in this world that can cure you?" Master's illness?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "If there is such a thing, why would I have to travel thousands of miles to beg you, King An, no matter what, I still hope that you can help me with this favor. In the future, if there is a future, I will definitely thank you very much. "

Facing her gaze, he couldn't say no to it, he could only nod: "I've never seen this thing before, and it's been kept by my father all the time, so I'll take you into the palace right away, and ask my father to lend it to you. "

She hurriedly got up and kissed Zhou Anfu: "Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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