Chapter 696
Chapter 697

Early the next morning, Zhou An excitedly came to the palace where Qi Rongyue lived. Lu'er had been guarding the gate of the palace early in the morning, and never dared to go in. Seeing King An coming at this time, she was even more panicked.

"Is Princess Yue up yet?" Zhou An asked.

Lu'er hurriedly shook her head: "Not yet, yesterday the servant girl wanted to serve Princess Yue to bed, but Princess Yue refused and sent the servant girl to leave. The servant girl saw that Princess Yue didn't seem to like being disturbed, so she never went in again."

After hearing Lu'er's words, Qi Rongyue in the room thought to herself that this girl was really smart and knew how to separate herself from the relationship. In short, what she meant was that no matter what happened to Qi Rongyue in the room, it had nothing to do with her.

She got up from the dressing table, walked slowly to the table and sat down, and said loudly: "King An, come in."

Zhou An was overjoyed, and quickly stretched out his hand to push open the door of the hall.

When Lu'er heard the angry voice, her face turned pale, and she wondered if the two poisonous snakes didn't bite her?
She followed King An into the hall, and saw Princess Yue sitting at the table with a ruddy complexion and the same gentle smile as before, as if nothing had happened.

Her gaze moved around and landed on the floor not far from the table. Two three-foot-long poisonous snakes were nailed to the floor with gold needles. The snakes were not dead yet, and the long snakes were constantly writhing and struggling. .

She took a big step back in shock, the sound of gasping made Zhou Ancha feel strange, and immediately found the poisonous snake nailed to the floor by golden needles.

He recognized the golden needle, it was a hidden weapon carried by Rong Yue, but where did this poisonous snake come from?

He turned his head and glared at Lu'er angrily: "What's going on?"

Lu'er knelt down on the ground with a plop, shaking her head constantly: "I don't know, I don't know!"

Zhou An asked Qi Rongyue urgently: "Are you okay?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head, glanced at Lu'er lightly, and said helplessly: "It seems that I can't stay in this palace any longer, I wonder when His Majesty will give me the treasure of Yujiao?"

Zhou An is not a fool. Rong Yue has only been in the palace for a few days this week. She doesn't know anyone and has offended anyone. Who would harm her?He immediately thought of Qiu Ying, when Qiu Ying left Chao Liang Hall yesterday, she looked at Rong Yue with vicious eyes. . .

"Rong Yue, don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter and find out, and I will give you an explanation." Zhou An promised.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I don't care about this kind of explanation, I just want to know, when will you give me the treasure of Yujiao?" She didn't want to wait any longer.

Zhou An hurriedly said: "I'm here today for this matter, my father asked me to invite you over, and he wants to hand over the things to you in person."

Qi Rongyue was overjoyed, she temporarily put aside all grievances and grievances, and immediately followed Zhou An to Chaoliang Hall.

Lu'er sat slumped on the ground, looking at the two dying poisonous snakes, all thoughts in her heart were lost, if Prince An really wanted to thoroughly investigate this matter, sooner or later she would be found, what would she do then?
Lu'er thought of Hongxiang who had handed over the poisonous snake to her, and hurried to Yinghe Palace where Princess Qiuying lived.

Chao Liang Dian

"Princess Yue really has excellent medical skills and lives up to the name of a genius doctor." The radiant old Zhou Wang gave Qi Rongyue a thumbs up. After just a few days of treatment, he felt much better. as comfortable as ever.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "It's His Majesty's blessings, Rongyue is just trying her best."

The old king of Zhou smiled and said: "I didn't really believe that you could cure this king's illness before, I only thought that you underestimated this king's illness. Now it seems that this king underestimated your medical skills."

(End of this chapter)

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