Chapter 697
Chapter 698

Zhou An also said: "Rong Yue's medical skills are already very good. Back then, Rong Yue cured the nanny's nasty disease that could not be cured for a long time. Her reputation as a miracle doctor is definitely not for nothing."

Qi Rongyue didn't care to listen to their compliments, and said anxiously: "I wonder if His Majesty can bestow the treasure of Yujiao to Rongyue now?"

Seeing that she was anxious, the old king of Zhou stopped talking and said to the eunuch beside him, "Give it to her, she deserves it."

The eunuch brought a square box of black peach wood to Qi Rongyue: "Princess Yue, here is the treasure of Yujiao."

Qi Rongyue hurriedly took it, the box was not locked, so she opened it directly, only to find a pair of dark blue tortoise shell inside, or a tortoise shell that was broken into two pieces.

She couldn't help frowning, took out a piece of turtle shell and said, "This, is this the treasure of Yujiao?"

The old king of Zhou nodded: "Yes, this is the treasure of Yujiao. This is not an ordinary tortoise shell. The name of this tortoise is Wufu tortoise. It was obtained by the ancestors from a Taoist who lived on the island for a long time. According to the Taoist, this The tortoise is a relative of the Dragon King in the sea. It lives for thousands of years. After death, the aura of the whole life gathers in this shell. Not only can it resist Jiaojiao, but all the ominous creatures in the water will stay away from it. It's just that the shell of the five-blessed tortoise has been cracked now. The age is also very long, whether the aura in the turtle shell still exists, I don't know."

After listening to the old King Zhou's explanation, Qi Rongyue felt relieved, and said with a smile, "I'll test it to see if there is any spiritual energy."

The old king of Zhou said: "Even if you have the shell of the five blessings in your hand, you must not be careless. The cold dragon is very vicious. It can eat people without spit out bones. You are a weak woman, and I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Upon hearing this, Zhou An hurriedly said: "Father, my son intends to go with Rong Yue and help her."

The face of the old king of Zhou changed drastically, and he was about to sternly object, but Qi Rongyue said first: "No need, Zhong Wen is waiting for me outside the city, I'm not alone, don't worry, even if I don't get the cold beard , we can also guarantee that we will get out of the body."

Hearing this, the old king of Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "It would be great if you have a companion. In this case, I will host a banquet today and practice it for you."

She said cheerfully, "Thank you Your Majesty!"

The two of them had just left the Chaoliang Hall when they bumped into Qiu Ying head-on. Qiu Ying gave Qi Rongyue a hard look, then moved to Zhou An's side, took Zhou An's arm with one hand, and used her sweet and greasy The voice said: "Brother An, we are going to get married next month, and the wedding dress has already been prepared, and you are not willing to try it on. Every time you say that you are too busy, you have to try it anyway. Try it, while there is still time, you can change it when it is big or small.”

Zhou An cast his cold eyes on her face, and said in a deep voice, "Two poisonous snakes appeared in Rongyue's room last night, did you know about it?"

Qiuying immediately shook her head, showing a look of surprise: "Why is there a poisonous snake in our palace? Did it hurt Princess Yue?"

Zhou Anfu asked, "I'm asking if you know about this."

Qiuying shook her head again: "I don't know, how would I know? There are no poisonous snakes in my Yinghe Temple. Could it be that I released the snake?"

Zhou An snorted coldly, "It's not the best for you. If you let me know that you set the snake, I won't let you off lightly." After saying that, he turned his head and left without looking at her again.

Qi Rongyue was not in a hurry to leave, her clear and indifferent eyes fell on Qiu Ying's face, and said softly: "Actually, you don't have to be so anxious to kill me, I will leave the palace today, maybe never Will come back again."

(End of this chapter)

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