Chapter 699

Chapter 700

She finally accepted it, with a smile on her lips, and she waved to him: "I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

He also waved at her, and before he could say goodbye, the girl who finally showed him a bright smile turned around and walked away, riding on the fast horse he had prepared for her, and disappeared in the smoke and dust in the blink of an eye.

I don't know if there is still a time to meet each other in this life.


Chu Palace
"What? Are you going to Zhou Dynasty too?" Chu Tianqi asked in surprise.

Zheng Zhongwen hadn't closed his eyes for two days, and forcibly handed over all the affairs in his hands to his father, and persuaded Wu Jiang to lead the way to Funiu Mountain.

"Yes, I plan to leave tomorrow." His eyes were red like blood, his face was tired and anxious.

Chu Tianqi sighed and said: "I really want to go with you, but now I-hey!" Being on the throne, I can't help myself.

Saying goodbye to Tianqi, Zheng Zhongwen rushed to Wanfu overnight.

"Zhongwen? Why are you here so late? Is there something important?" Jian Yun turned sideways to let Zhongwen enter the room. It was dark and there was only one lamp burning in the room. She couldn't see Zhongwen's face clearly.

Zhongwen entered the room, but refused to sit down, wondering whether to speak out.

"What's wrong with you? Sit down quickly." Jian Yun sat down at the table and poured a cup of tea for Zhongwen.

The master finally got a peaceful life, so let's not talk about it.

He sat down and said with a dry smile: "Master, I will go to the imperial mausoleum to see Rongyue tomorrow, and I came here specially to say goodbye to you."

Jian Yun frowned: "Are you going to the imperial tomb too? What about the court affairs?"

Zhong Wen hurriedly said: "With my father here, it's fine, I've made arrangements. If there is no urgent matter, I will stay with Rong Yue in the imperial mausoleum for a period of time, and come back later. At that time, we will get married. You will be our witness, okay?"

Jian Yun said with a smile: "That's not acceptable, I want to be Rongyue's high hall, how can I be your witness again?"

Zhong Wen patted his head and smiled wryly: "Yeah, how could I have forgotten this?"

Jian Yun asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? You seem to be in a low mood. What happened?"

Zhongwen quickly waved his hands: "No, no, it's really nothing, I just want to see Rong Yue sooner, and I'm a little absent-minded."

"Really?" Jian Yun was dubious, but he didn't ask any more, and only told him to take good care of Rong Yue.

"Of course, when have I lied to you, master?" He laughed dryly, and asked again: "Master, if your illness is cured, what do you want to do most?"

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows: "Why did you ask me this all of a sudden?"

Zhong Wenxue acted like a spoiled child in Rong Yue's appearance: "Master, I'm just asking, just tell me."

Jian Yun had nothing to do with him, thought about it, and said with a smile: "The thing I want to do the most is to help the two of you take care of the children, how about it? When are you planning to give birth to one for the teacher?"

Zhongwen looked at the face of the master who was getting thinner and thinner. She must have been tortured by the illness very painfully, but she still refused to show it in front of them, forbidding them to worry about her, and not allowing them to take risks for her, but she tried her best All my strength and even life are loving and protecting them.

As her disciple, Rong Yue not only inherited her medical skills, but also inherited her fearless and selfless spirit. How lucky he is to have a fiancée like Rong Yue and a master like Jian Yun.

"Okay, when we come back, we will make your wish come true." He solemnly promised.

Jian Yun always felt that Zhongwen was a little strange today, but he couldn't tell why. After sending him away, his right eyelid kept twitching, feeling that something ominous was about to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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