Chapter 700 Hit me again?
Chapter 701

I don't know if he heard the noise or what, Zheng Zhongwen met Dina who came to deliver tea as soon as Zheng Zhongwen walked out of the south courtyard.

Dina looked surprised: "Master Zheng? Why are you here?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted and nodded at her. He wanted to turn around and leave, but then he thought that he was about to leave the capital and it was still unknown when he would return, so he stopped and turned around to call Dina.

"Miss Dina, I will leave the capital at dawn. During the time when Rongyue and I are away, I hope you can take good care of Master for us. I will be grateful in the future."

Dina didn't know where he was going, but he had a dignified expression on his face, knowing that it must be an extremely far away and extremely dangerous place, she hurriedly nodded in response, "I will, even if you don't tell me, I will."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded, gave her a very forced smile, then turned and left.

As soon as Zheng Zhongwen left, Di Jia's sneaky figure jumped out: "Sister, who were you talking to just now?"

Dina glared at her: "No one, you go back quickly, I'll be back as soon as I deliver the tea."

Di Jia refused to leave, and grabbed Dina's arm: "Is it Mr. Zheng? I just heard his voice, is it him?"

Dina didn't make a sound, peeled off her hand, turned and left.

Di Jia rushed forward to stop her, and said in a low voice: "Quickly tell me, is it because Qi Rongyue is not in the capital, Mr. Zheng is lonely, so he came to you specially?"

Dina gave her a cold look, and said angrily, "What are you talking about? The prince came to see Master Jian, and we just met by chance."

Di Jia didn't believe it: "Hmph—how could it be such a coincidence that you just happened to run into him when you came to deliver tea? I see that you have clearly and secretly communicated with the song, but you still refuse to admit it. Don't worry, I am Your sister, if you don't want to talk about it, I won't let it out, as long as you promise me, let me—"

With a crisp 'snap', a firm slap was slapped on Di Jia's face, and on the face that had finally whitened a little, there were clear five finger prints, which were hot and painful.

"You hit me? You hit me again?" Di Jia was very angry, pointing at Dina and screaming.

Dina snorted coldly: "It was you who I hit. I made you talk nonsense, and you didn't think about business all day long. Next time you say this kind of nonsense, I won't just hit you."

After being disturbed by her, the tea was almost cold, so she simply brought the tea back to the east courtyard.

Di Jia was so wronged that she really wanted to slap her back ten times. If Aunt was here, how could she be bullied by Dina like this?

"What's the matter?" Diwu heard the movement and came out of the room, and saw the two sisters coming back one after the other, one with a frosty face and the other sobbing.

Dina put down the tea tray heavily: "Ask her yourself, I'll go back to my room first."

Since Diwu left the desert, not only has he grown a lot taller, but his mind has also matured a lot. Looking at the situation, he can also guess in his heart, knowing that Di Jia must have said something inappropriate The words made Dina unhappy.

He yawned, "I'm going to a training camp tomorrow morning, I'm so sleepy, you should go to bed earlier."

Di Jia was going to complain to Wu Di, but Wu Di didn't give her this chance at all. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she swore to herself that she must marry a high-ranking person in the future, so that Dina Look at Diwu, what she said was definitely not a daydream.

(End of this chapter)

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