Chapter 702

Chapter 703

The aunt looked at the back of her riding away, and kept sighing: "It's a pity, what a pity, what a good girl, she has to go to Funiu Mountain to die in vain."

As the aunt said, after approaching Funiu Mountain, the wild grass grows up to the human chest, and there is no way for people to walk. She can only take out the dagger and open the way by herself.

When the horse reached the foot of Funiu Mountain, he refused to follow her up the mountain again, he kept snorting heavily, and turned around restlessly, as if he was afraid of something.

Qi Rongyue tied it to a twig that could easily eat grass and be broken easily, so that if she died here, the horse's life would also be taken.

It was very cold in the mountains, many times colder than the outside. It felt as if she had come to hell. This coldness also proved what she had thought before. This place is indeed a place full of spiritual energy, and strange flowers and plants can be seen growing everywhere. The medicinal materials grown here are more powerful than the medicinal materials grown elsewhere. She really wanted to dig out everything she saw and take it away.

It's no wonder that the cold dragon would choose such a place to live in hiding, but I don't know where the water in the cold pool comes from, and why the cold dragon was born?

After people learn that the Han Jiao is ferocious and cannibalistic, they will no longer approach it, nor will the beasts approach it again. Then, how will the Han Jiao survive?
She didn't know the exact location of the cold pool, so she wandered around in the mountains, looking for places with water, but it turned out that it was either a spring or a small stream, and she couldn't find any trace of the cold pool until dark.

Seeing that it was getting dark, she picked up firewood and lit a bonfire by a stream, and forked two fatty fish from the stream to roast.

In the middle of the night, she looked up at the starry sky. She wanted to pass the time by looking at the stars, and miss the old people in Kyoto by the way, but who knew that she discovered a secret while looking up at the starry sky.

Wisps of stars visible to the naked eye fell from the sky and fell into Mount Funiu, as if a mysterious force was absorbing those stars.

Could it be the cold pool where Frost Flood Dragon is located?

She saw the direction clearly, and immediately held the torch and rushed to the place where the stars gathered.

There are quite a few ferocious beasts in the forest, and she even saw many shining beast eyes, but all of those ferocious beasts lay motionless on the ground, watching her walk past them, none of them fled in a panic , and none of them jumped at her.

Weird, so weird.

The master once said that there are no surprises in the world, but when she faced this strange appearance, she was still shocked.

Through the dense forest, she came to the place where the stars gathered before.

A gust of chill came to her, and the hand holding the torch, even though it was very close to the fire, was still numb from the cold.

The road ahead was suddenly dark, she raised her head hastily, it turned out that the torch in her hand was extinguished, there was no wind and no rain, how could the torch be extinguished suddenly?
There was a chill in her heart, and her footsteps stopped on the spot, hesitating whether to go forward now.

The place she was standing at this time was only a few feet away from the cold pool. She didn't know what would be waiting for her if she stepped forward step by step, maybe she should wait until dawn before approaching?Even if you get close now, you can't see anything clearly.

Thinking like this, she wanted to turn around and take a few steps back, but she was horrified to find that she couldn't move. .

She felt a burning sensation in her chest, as if something was burning in her chest, which made her ache.

(End of this chapter)

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