Chapter 703

Chapter 704

Just as she was about to lower her head to check, she saw a shadow suddenly thrown out of the cold pool. Before she had time to see what the shadow was, her body was slammed into the air by the shadow.

She fell to the side of the tree, and her body was cut several times, blood spilled out of the skin, and the sweet smell attracted the attack of the shadow again.

She couldn't even get up from the bushes, and her body was lifted into the sky again. This time, her hand touched the shadow, and the tentacles were cold and smooth, just like the touch of a snake, but the skin was very hard, and it might be Ordinary swords can't stab it at all.

Is this the cold flood dragon?

Her body fell heavily again, this time, she fell into the grass beside the cold pool.

She didn't care about the pain, and was about to stand up and run away, but the extremely thick dragon tail came to her before her. Qi Rongyue was dumbfounded, if she was hit by this tail, all her brains would overflow.

She stretched out her hand to pull out the dagger, but she couldn't touch it no matter how she touched it, presumably it just fell when it rolled over.

And the dragon's tail was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't avoid it, it seemed that her life was about to be handed over here today, what a shame, she didn't even see the shadow of the dragon's beard, so she was about to die?
Just when her head was about to bloom, the dragon's tail stopped suddenly, three inches in front of her head, and she could even smell the fishy smell emanating from the dragon's skin.

She didn't dare to move, she stared blankly at the Jiaowei that stopped in front of her eyes, thought of many escape plans in her heart, but found that none of them would work.

No matter how fast she was, it seemed that she couldn't be faster than this Frost Flood Dragon that was about to mature.

Maybe it has become refined. . .

The Jiaowei suddenly turned a corner, wrapped her body up and lifted her up.

She thought it was over, this meant sending her into the mouth of the dragon and swallowing her.

A normal person would probably have fainted from fright, or closed his eyes tightly and dared not look at it.

But Qi Rongyue calmed down, anyway, she was about to die, so she wanted to see what this evil dragon looked like, and where did the cold beard grow, she couldn't lose her life in vain, but even ate it She didn't even see what her cold face looked like, wouldn't that be too aggrieved?

Her body was pulled into the water by the long tail of the cold flood dragon, even though she was submerged in the water, she did not close her eyes, but opened them wide to look carefully, carefully. . .Unfortunately, it was too dark, and the bottom of the pool was also pitch black. She only saw two huge eyes with faint green light staring straight at her.

Those eyes were obviously not human eyes, yellow-green firm pupils were looking at her curiously, and she was also staring closely at those eyes.

The strange thing is, she was never sent into the mouth of the cold dragon. After a while, she couldn't hold her breath enough, her eyes almost rolled her eyes. At this moment, the dragon tail wrapped around her waist slowly loosened. And put her on top of the water.

She was panting heavily, her mind was in confusion, what's going on?Han Jiao doesn't eat her, but let her up to breathe?what on earth is it?

She hadn't figured it out yet, she only heard the sound of rushing water, and the huge dragon's head emerged from the bottom of the pool, with the starlight, she finally saw the appearance of the cold dragon.

The appearance of Jiaotou is very similar to the appearance of dragons she has seen in Shan Hai Jing. There are horns on the head, although they are not as big as the horns on the dragon's head, but the shape is the same. Curly, like a strand of hair that has been burned.

(End of this chapter)

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