Chapter 704
Chapter 705

The Jiao eyes are especially big, as big as half of her head, staring at her firmly, as if wanting to look directly at her origin through her body.

She couldn't tell what feeling she felt in her heart, she must be afraid, but more, it seemed to be curiosity, she was very curious, why Han Jiao refused to eat her, and why she looked at her with such eyes.

Perhaps because she had been immersed in the cold pool water for too long, her legs and feet began to cramp, and she could not continue to step on the water to float up. She jumped a few times in the water, and was about to sink, when the thick dragon tail wrapped around her waist again. body, and entrusted her to the grass outside the cold pool.

She lay drenched on the grass, and it took her a long time to recover. Only then did she realize that the tortoise shell borrowed from the royal family of Zhou was hanging around her waist. Are you polite?

She reached out and took a piece of tortoise shell from her waist, handed it to Jiao's eyes and shook it.

Jiaowei quickly struck out, knocking down the turtle shell in her hand, smashing it to pieces on the ground with a bang. . .

"So it wasn't—" She laughed dryly, shrank her body involuntarily, and secretly cursed someone who falsely reported that the Zhou royal family had the treasure of imperial dragon, this is simply a harmful act.

Even though the dragon's tail shattered the thousand-year-old five-blessed tortoise's shell, it still didn't move her at all. The huge dragon's head floated on the cold pool, still staring at Qi Rongyue with a pair of dragon's eyes.

Qi Rongyue smiled dryly: "You can eat whatever you want, I don't blame you at all, this world is a world where the weak eat the strong, but can you lend me one of the dragon's whiskers? As long as you lend me the dragon's whiskers, I am willing to be eaten by you, Never resist." In fact, what is the use of resisting?She smiled wryly, it was just a dragon that lived longer, how could it understand her human language?
Han Jiao didn't move, she didn't seem to react at all, just looked at her coldly, motionless.

Maybe it was because she was overly frightened, maybe she was tired from the journey, she was so tired that she fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up again, it was already high in the sky, his drenched clothes were already half dry, and his throat was a bit dry and sore, which was obviously a symptom of the invasion of wind and cold.

Yesterday I soaked in cold water for a long time, and slept in wet clothes for most of the night, so it's no wonder I didn't get sick.

Although she is a genius doctor, she is not a body made of iron.

She raised her head and looked at the cold pool. The water was calm, but Han Jiao's huge head had disappeared.

It was so strange that it didn't eat her or hurt her, why on earth was that?Could it be that the rumors about Hanjiao cannibalism are all false?
She got up, came to the edge of the pool and looked down, the water was very clear, she could see the cold dragon entrenched at the bottom of the pool, it seemed to be resting, with its huge eyes closed tightly, it seemed to sense that she was looking at it, It suddenly opened its eyes and looked at her.

Her heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and she quickly stepped back. After taking two deep breaths, she bent down to the edge of the pool again and looked down. The pair of giant eyes that were opened had closed again, and this time, He didn't look at her again, but closed his eyes and rested comfortably.

If it was a normal person, in this situation, he should have escaped desperately.

But Qi Rongyue is not a normal person, she has crazier persistence than normal people, no matter what, she doesn't want to give up this last chance.

But before that, she had to dry the clothes on her body and fill her stomach.

She walked to a stream not far from the cold pool, lit a fire by the stream, and forked a few fish from the stream. In the vicinity of this cold pool, I am afraid that there are only fish to eat, and there are no birds at all. The beast dares to approach here.

(End of this chapter)

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