Chapter 710 He Won't Die
Chapter 711

Seeing that the Great Cold Jiao had left, the Little Han Jiao followed her a few steps, then turned around to look at her, with eyes full of reluctance, no one could understand what it was thinking in its heart, after staring silently for a long time, it suddenly stretched out its front paws, Wipe it hard on the face, two dragon whiskers fell with the dark red blood, it whimpered a few times, in addition to reluctance in the eyes, there was also a little sadness, it turned and left, sank into the cold pool and never came out again.

The stunned Wu Jiang finally regained his strength at this moment, everything happened so fast, he didn't have time to react, everything was over again.

He got up from the mud, rushed to the place where Min Hengzhi passed out, lifted him up, patted his cheek, pinched him hard, and then Min Hengzhi woke up slowly. He opened his eyes and was dazed for a moment, Then he woke up and grabbed Wu Jiang: "Where is Rongyue?"

Wu Jiang pointed to Rongyue who was hugging Zhongwen in a daze beside him: "Something happened to Zhongwen, go and have a look."

Min Hengzhi hurriedly got up, stumbled and rushed to Rongyue's side, saw her holding Zheng Zhongwen in a daze, neither crying nor speaking, staring at the front with eyes wide open, motionless.

He grabbed her arm and shook it lightly: "Rongyue, don't scare me, what's wrong with you? Talk to me."

He lowered his head to look at Zhongwen, his face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and the ups and downs of his chest seemed to be there, he was startled and hurriedly stretched out his hand to feel Zhongwen's breath.

Qi Rongyue reached out and slapped his hand away: "What are you doing?"

When Min Hengzhi saw her speak, he was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Let me see him—"

"He's fine, he'll be fine." Her eyes were red, and she spoke in a hurry, and the more she was like this, the more worried he was.

He looked around and saw that there was no trace of Han Jiao anymore. He was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions. Now is not the time to ask such questions.

"Rong Yue, let's go, get out of here quickly, the monster will come again later, we will all die."

The dazed Rongyue was startled when she heard the word "death", and raised her eyes to stare at Min Hengzhi: "I won't die, Zhongwen won't die, he said that he would stick to me like brown candy for a lifetime, two lifetimes, many lifetimes, how could he?" Die, no, no."

He has never seen Rongyue like this, so flustered, so afraid, he is really afraid, if something really happens to Zhongwen, then she——

He held back the blood that was constantly surging in his chest due to internal injuries, carried Zheng Zhongwen on his back, and said to Wu Jiang: "Uncle Wu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Wu Jiang nodded, reached out to support Qi Rongyue, who was not so conscious, and pulled her away.

When walking through the grass soaked in the blood of the cold dragon, she suddenly stopped, looked at the cold dragon whiskers under her feet, and finally picked them up and put them in her arms.

Wu Jiang picked up a piece of Wufu turtle shell on the ground, and said to Qi Rongyue, "Princess, you lost something."

Qi Rongyue turned her head and glanced at the Wufu tortoise shell in Wu Jiang's hand, a flash of light flashed in her mind. When she borrowed the Wufu tortoise shell, the old king of Zhou once said that Jiao Zhu was in the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty and had always been there.

If there were jiaozhu, Zhongwen wouldn't have to die, he wouldn't have died.

She rushed forward suddenly, and said to Min Hengzhi who was walking in front: "Hurry up, go to the capital."

Min Hengzhi didn't know what she meant, but he was very happy to see her suddenly angry again.

Min Hengzhi tied Zheng Zhongwen to his back, beat his horse and followed Qi Rongyue all the way to the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, day and night, the person on his back had his last breath and never woke up again.

(End of this chapter)

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