Chapter 711
Chapter 712

He was very worried, very worried. He had never hoped that Zheng Zhongwen would live like this for a moment. He was afraid that if Zhongwen died, he would take away not only his own life, but also Tianyu's soul.

Rushing to the palace gate, she showed the jade pendant that Zhou An gave her, and the guards saw her and immediately let her go without a word.

Instead of looking for Zhou An, she went straight to the Chaoliang Hall and begged to see the old King Zhou.

The old king of Zhou was also very happy when he heard that she had come back alive, and he declared to see her immediately.

As soon as Qi Rongyue entered the inner hall, she knelt down in front of the old King Zhou without saying a word.

In her life, she has knelt very few times, except for her parents and master, no one is worthy of her kneeling.

But today, she knelt in front of the old King Zhou.

The old king of Zhou was also shocked, and hurried forward to help her up himself: "Princess Yue, what do you mean? Get up and talk."

Qi Rongyue shook her head, tears could not stop falling down: "Your Majesty, I have something to ask, and I hope His Majesty will fulfill it."

The old king of Zhou frowned, what was it that made such a proud girl kneel and cry?
"Tell me." He didn't dare to agree casually, before he knew what she was asking for.

"Your Majesty, my fiancé's life is at stake in order to save me. Even with my superb medical skills, I can't recover. I hope Your Majesty can borrow the Jiaozhu and save his life."

The old King Zhou's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately fell silent. This Jiaozhu is a national treasure of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, how can it be borrowed?Moreover, there is only one dragon bead, and if it is given to her, after saving her fiancé's life, it will melt into one body with his body, and it will never be taken back. This is not a loan, but a gift.

"Your Majesty, I beg you, be merciful, save him!" She leaned over and kowtowed, her white forehead slamming heavily on the cold and hard marble floor.

The old king of Zhou frowned and said nothing, thinking about everything in his heart.

At this time Zhou An came in a hurry, strode into the inner hall, saw Qi Rongyue who was kneeling on the ground, and hurried forward to help her up: "Rongyue, what are you doing? What happened? "

Qi Rongyue didn't make a sound, just kept shrugging her shoulders, and tears flowed down the back of her hands onto the ground.

Zhou An looked up at his father: "Father, what's going on? Did you bully Rong Yue?"

The old king of Zhou glared at him, and said in a deep voice, "You come with me, I have something to discuss with you."

The old king of Zhou led Zhou An into the back hall, and Qi Rongyue was also helped up by the maid and sat in a chair beside him.

Min Hengzhi and Wu Jiang guard Zheng Zhongwen, who is dying outside the Chaoliang Hall, anxious.

He asked Wu Jiang: "Uncle Wu, you said before that the royal family of Zhou had jiao beads, which can bring people back to life, but is it true?"

Wu Jiang also guessed the purpose of Qi Rongyue's trip, nodded and said: "That's right, the royal family of Zhou does have Jiaozhu, whether it can be brought back to life is a legend, it's hard to tell whether it's true or not."

He asked Min Hengzhi back: "Whether the story of resurrection is true or not, this jiaozhu is a national treasure of the royal family of Zhou. Can Rongyue borrow the jiaozhu?"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "It's hard to say, although she and the fifth prince Zhou An have some friendship, but this week's royal family is still in the hands of his father, after all, it is really hard to say whether they can borrow Jiaozhu or not."

Both of them sighed, the world is unpredictable, a person who was so healthy before, is now lying here dying, how can people accept it?
Chaoliang Houdian.

"Father, what happened? Why did Rong Yue get down on her knees?" Zhou An asked the old King Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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