Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 715 Will We See You Again?

Chapter 715 Will We See You Again?
Chapter 716

She shook her head: "The past is over, I don't hate you, I don't love you anymore, I can live a new life, it is Zhongwen who gave me life, and then saved my life several times, I not only love him sincerely, I am also very grateful to him, thank him for bringing me a new light in my gloomy life, and making me believe in the existence of true love again, Heng Zhi, please, help me this time."

Min Hengzhi was heartbroken and shook his head: "No, I can't just watch you marry someone you don't like. Even if you don't belong to me in the end, I still hope that you can marry a man who truly loves you and live a happy life." A happy life, not this—"

She smiled wryly. Although she was smiling, tears filled her eyes and dripped down: "The happiness in life is not only love, but also responsibility and protection. As long as he can live, as long as he can be happy, I will be happy."

Min Hengzhi said: "How can he be happy when you are not by his side? If he finds out that you married a man he doesn't love for him, how can he be happy?"

"So, Hengzhi, don't tell him the truth, don't let him know that I stay here for him, I don't mind becoming a bad woman in his heart, I just want him to forget everything in the past and start over. "

Min Hengzhi shook his head stubbornly: "I can't do it."

She looked at Min Hengzhi, and suddenly pulled out the dagger. The sharp blade touched the slender and white neck, and immediately there were drops of bright red blood dripping down. "If you don't agree, I will die in front of you immediately."

Min Hengzhi panicked: "Don't, don't, put it down quickly, don't hurt yourself." He knew how sharp the dagger was, if it went in an inch, she would definitely die.

"Okay, I promise, can't I promise you? Let it go quickly."

She looked into Min Hengzhi's eyes and said word by word: "In the previous life, you failed to keep your promise to me. In this life, I hope you will not break your promise."

It wasn't until Min Hengzhi nodded again that she put down the dagger, and said: "Don't tell anyone about this matter, and don't tell the master, and don't tell Brother Qi about my identity, I don't want him to be distracted."

She put away the dagger, turned around and no longer looked at him: "Let's go, let's go now."

Even though Min Hengzhi had a thousand words to say, at this moment, he couldn't utter a single word.

"Tianyu, we, will we meet again?"

She smiled, raised her head, and let the tears slip into her heart: "Yes, one year later, when the married princess returns home, we will see each other again. By then, I hope you and Zhongwen are married, and I hope you can all be happy. "

Min Hengzhi nodded, didn't speak any more, went out and called Wu Jiang in, one carried the person, the other carried the luggage, and hurried out of the palace.

Kyoto, Wanfu.

"Master, master!"

Min Hengzhi broke into the south courtyard with Zheng Zhongwen on his back, calling for Jian Yun loudly.

Jian Yun was taking a lunch break in the room, and hurried out of the room after hearing Min Hengzhi's anxious cry.

"What's wrong?" She hurriedly knelt out of the room regardless of her disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.

Recently, she has been restless, always feeling that something will happen. Coincidentally, Hengzhi has recently disappeared as if she had disappeared without a trace. She couldn't find someone to ask about the situation, and she didn't want to go to the palace. , so as not to disturb Tianqi.

As soon as she went out, she saw Zheng Zhongwen who was carried by Hengzhi on his back at a glance, and her expression was shocked: "What, what's the matter? Come in quickly."

Min Hengzhi carried Zheng Zhongwen into the master's room and placed him on the couch in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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