Chapter 716 The Truth
Chapter 717

"Master, show him quickly." Min Hengzhi panted heavily, with an anxious expression on his face. He traveled from Chaozhou back to Chu, wearing stars and wearing moons all the way, and drove for more than ten days. He was also bumping in the carriage for more than ten days. , In the past ten days, he has never woken up, and he didn't even lift his eyelids.

Jian Yun quickly felt his pulse, frowned and said, "It's normal, what's wrong with him?"

normal?Min Hengzhi frowned, seeing the master looked at him suspiciously, he hurriedly threw out a set of rhetoric that he had made up on the road.

"Master, it's like this. A while ago, he invited me to go to Funiu Mountain to find the cold dragon. At that time, the cold dragon was sleeping, so we secretly cut off its two whiskers. The cold dragon came to chase us after suffering from pain. He ran fast, he ran a step slower, was swept by the tail of the cold dragon, and was seriously injured, but fortunately the cold dragon did not catch up later, we were able to escape, thank God."

After hearing this, Mr. Wan who entered from the outside hurriedly asked, "Have you got the cold beard back?"

Min Hengzhi hurriedly took the cold beard out of the bag, and handed it to the master: "Master, this is the cold beard." Although the cold beard has been away from the body for many days, the fleshy beard does not have the slightest rotten appearance, still Just like when it was cut off, there was still a trace of blood in Xu's heart.

Mr. Wan was overjoyed: "Is this really cold beard? Then your master's illness can be cured?"

Min Hengzhi nodded hastily, with a bright smile on his face, but his heart aches unceasingly. All of these are what Rong Yue risked his life for in exchange for happiness.

Jian Yun's eyes fell on the half-opened bag from the cold beard. There seemed to be other things in the bag. She reached out to take it, and Min Hengzhi hurriedly grabbed it into her hand: "Hey, master, here's something else. Nothing special, just my own stuff."

Jian Yun doesn't believe it, she knows Min Hengzhi's temperament very well, he has a city mansion, unlike Zhongwen who can't lie and has a straight temper, but like Zhongwen, he respects her very much, what she wants to see, what can't be done Give?

"Bring it!" she said in a low voice.

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "No."

Jian Yun stretched out his hand and snatched it, the door of the move was wide open, he didn't defend and only attacked, Min Hengzhi didn't dare to fight with the master, and he was snatched away by the master within a few strokes.

Jian Yun took out the credentials and looked at them carefully, his brows became more and more frowned, and then he looked back at Zheng Zhongwen who was lying on the bed, threw down the credentials, quickly came to him, and untied the clothes on his chest. Sure enough, his There was a freshly healed wound on his chest.

She turned her head, her eyes were red like blood, and she stared at Min Hengzhi: "Aren't you telling the truth?"

Min Hengzhi knew that he couldn't hide it, so he knelt down on the ground with a plop: "Master, it's me who deserves to die, I'm useless."

Jian Yun glared at Mr. Wan: "Go out, don't eavesdrop, and tell everyone to back off."

Although Mr. Wan was reluctant in his heart, he didn't dare to disobey Jian Yun, so he had to go out to avoid it.

"Say!" Jian Yun's voice was very cold, and his heart was full of anger. They, they actually carried her to Mount Funiu.

Min Hengzhi didn't dare to hide any more, and told everything clearly without any omission.

"So, in exchange for Jiaozhu, Rongyue agreed to the old King of Zhou to stay in the Zhou Dynasty and marry his son?" Jian Yun asked through gritted teeth.

Min Hengzhi nodded: "Yes, she also said that she told me not to tell you, let alone let Zhongwen know the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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