Chapter 719
Chapter 720

Seeing that Zheng Guogong's complexion was not good, Dina hurriedly said: "Master Jian said that he will not sleep like this forever, he will always wake up, and nothing will happen when he wakes up, nothing will happen."

Zheng Guogong knew that Jian Yun was Qi Rongyue's master, and Qi Rongyue's first-hand medical skills were taught by her, so he naturally believed what she said, but why did Zhong Wen become like this?What happened between him and Rong Yue?Why did Rong Yue suddenly want to marry Zhou An?
He turned to look at Wu Jiang: "Is there anything else I don't know? Tell me quickly."

Wu Jiang promised Min Hengzhi that he would not talk about Jiaozhu's matter even if he died.

"No, I've told you everything, that's all. If you don't believe me, you can ask Min Hengzhi, and he will go too."

Zheng Guogong frowned: "Min Hengzhi has gone too? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wu Jiang shrugged: "You didn't ask!!"

He glared at Wu Jiang angrily, ignored him, sat back on the bedside again, held his son's hand, and sighed: "Zhongwen, wake up quickly, if you don't wake up, your wife will marry you." someone else."

Normally, when Zhong Wen heard such words, he would immediately become a lunatic, but now, he didn't feel it at all, and he didn't know whether he heard it or not.


Zhou Dynasty, An Wang Palace.

"How is Princess Yue today?" Zhou An asked the court lady kneeling in front of her.

The maid shook her head: "It's not very good. The imperial doctor said that she had a severe cold. It will definitely not get better in three to five days, and she will have to take care of her for a while."

Zhou An frowned, and asked again: "How is she feeling, how is she feeling? Will she eat on time? Will she talk to you? Will she laugh?"

The maid looked at Prince An with strange eyes, and then replied truthfully: "I don't know how Princess Yue is feeling, but she eats every meal on time, and she also talks and laughs with the servants, but—"

Zhou An hurriedly asked, "Just what?"

"It's just that she seems to like to be in a daze. She always sits in a daze by herself. She didn't hear us when we called her."

"Oh, no, it's okay, maybe she's homesick." He felt distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

He wanted to let her go, but he couldn't bear it.

He wanted to be nice to her, but he couldn't do anything.

"Okay, go down, take good care of Princess Yue, and report immediately if you have anything to do."

After the maid left, the eunuch who was waiting on the side came forward: "Your Highness, if you want to see her, you can just go and see her and that's it. Is there any need to inquire about the news from the maid every day?"

Zhou An smiled wryly: "Do you think I don't want to? I'm just——I'm just afraid that she doesn't want to see me."

The eunuch didn't know the inside story, and he looked surprised: "Why don't you want to? How many girls want such an honor, Princess Yue must be the same."

Zhou An shook his head, waved his hands and said, "You don't understand, go down, I want to be quiet."

In the middle of the night, the originally quiet and windless sky suddenly started to rain. Zhou An, who was already upset, couldn't fall asleep even more. He put on his clothes and got up, looking at the dark night outside, thinking that Rong Yue should be asleep by now.

It was unbearable to miss him, so he quickly put on his clothes and asked the eunuch to take the umbrella and hurried out.

Qi Rongyue lives in the Jingyuan Hall, which is only one palace away from the Anwang Hall, and it didn't take a moment to enter the gate of the Jingyuan Hall.

The maid guarding the gate saw him coming in and was about to salute, he immediately made a gesture of silence, the maid understood, she shut up and stepped back.

The dormitory where she lived was dark and dull, and she seemed to be asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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