Chapter 720

Chapter 721

He stood outside the door, hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help pushing the door open.

It was very dark inside, so he walked slowly to her bed with some faint light, staring at the person on the couch.

He stood one step away from the bed, not daring to get closer, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

She didn't seem to be sleeping peacefully, her breathing was fast and slow, and she seemed to have dreamed of something bad, and she kept raving.

He couldn't hear clearly, and he didn't want to hear clearly. He knew that in her dream, there would be no him.

After an unknown amount of time, the rain suddenly started to rain outside, and then suddenly stopped. He turned around and was about to leave when there was a sound outside, followed by a familiar voice.

"Qihe? Why are you here?"

Qihe didn't make a sound, but Qiuying's voice immediately rose three degrees: "Brother An is in there?"

Qihe hurriedly said: "No, no, no, no."

"What are you doing standing here if you're not inside? Is the princess a three-year-old child?"

Qiuying wanted to barge in, but Qihe hurriedly stopped her, the master finally came here, but Qiuying couldn't spoil the good thing.

Zhou An was afraid that Qiuying would make more noise, so he hurriedly strode to the door and opened the door.

Qiu Ying pointed at Zhou An, her eyes were red: "You, okay, good Zhou An, I never thought that you would, you would—"

Zhou An said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, Rong Yue is sick, I'll come and see her."

Qiuying glanced at the inner room where the door was not closed, and snorted coldly: "See, she doesn't even light the lights? I think you guys just finished fooling around, and that bitch hasn't put on her clothes yet."

Zhou An was furious, raised his hand and slapped Qiuying across the face: "Shut up, you're dirty, do you think everyone in the world is like you?"

Qiuying covered her face, tears streaming down her face: "I'm dirty? No matter how dirty I am, I never go to a man's room to spend the night in the middle of the night. No matter how dirty I am, I will never fool around with a man before getting married, and I will not abandon my life." The fiancée who saves herself chooses another high branch."

Zhou An was so pissed off by her, he quickly turned his head to look inside, and saw that Rong Yue had woken up at some point, sitting quietly by the bed without speaking, seemed to be thinking about something, and seemed to be listening to their bickering.

Without saying a word, he pulled Qiuying and left, leaving Jingyuan Hall in a hurry.

Back at King An's Palace, Qiu Ying shook Zhou An's hand vigorously, and said with a sneer, "What? Are you so afraid that I'll say something worse? Do you really like her that much?"

Zhou An didn't deny it either: "Yes, I like her that much, as long as it's what she wants, I'm willing to give her anything."

Qiu Ying sneered: "If you really like her, you should take her reputation into consideration, instead of sneaking into her room in the middle of the night. Tomorrow, everyone in the palace will know that Qi Rongyue from the Chu Dynasty is a bitch. If you don't get married, you will seduce Prince An into her room, and do the dirty work."

With a crisp sound of "snap", that beautiful face was slapped firmly by Zhou An again: "Shut up, you are not allowed to slander her with slander, and I want to ask you, are you not in the Yinghe Hall at midnight?" Facing the wall and thinking about the past, what are you doing in Jinghe Hall?"

Qiuying's complexion changed slightly, and she said stiffly: "What can I do? I just heard some rumors, and I was afraid that you would do something even more scandalous, so I hurried to stop it."

Zhou An didn't believe it: "Really? I haven't settled with you for the poisonous snake incident last time. If you dare to make small moves again, I will make you disappear in front of me forever, absolutely."

(End of this chapter)

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