Chapter 721 Unwilling

Chapter 722

Qiu Ying took two steps back, she had never seen Zhou An like this before, with stern eyes, sharp and unfeeling words.

It seemed that the beautiful past that the two of them had experienced in the past had all turned into clouds and smoke.

"Brother An, you were not like this before, how did you become like this? Have you forgotten? I was bullied when I was a child, and you helped me every time. You also said that you like me to follow you and call you Ann Brother, have you forgotten all of this?"

"I haven't forgotten, I've always regarded you as my younger sister, it's because you think too much." Zhou An said.

Qiuying shook her head: "If that's the case, then why didn't you object when His Majesty asked us to get engaged?"

Zhou An looked indifferent: "Is it useful to oppose? Since it is useless, why waste your words?"

At that time, he hadn't known Rongyue yet, since he had nothing to do with him, it didn't matter who he married?
His words were like thunderclaps on her head. She thought that even if he moved on now, at the very least, he had always loved her at the beginning, but it turned out that she was the dispensable person .

She cried, she laughed again, with tears in her eyes, the handsome young man in her memory was gradually leaving her.

She shook her head and wiped away her tears: "I'm not reconciled, no one can take away my Qiu Ying's man."

She turned around angrily and strode away.

Zhou An has nothing to do with her. Qiuying is the daughter of his aunt, and her aunt married into a neighboring country, and was taken back to the palace by her father because of the war. She had never taken good care of her body, suffered dystocia during childbirth, and gave birth to Qiuying with her last breath of strength.

The father felt ashamed of his aunt, so he took Qiuying as his own child and raised him in the palace. He was named the princess, lived the same life as the princess, and received more love than the princess.

No matter how angry the father is, he will only lock her up and confine her, and there will be no more severe punishment for her, that's why she is so unscrupulous.

If he didn't go to Jinghe Hall tonight, what would Qiuying plan to do?
"Qihe, pass on this king's decree, send more people to protect Princess Yue, and send another person to keep an eye on Princess Qiuying. If there is any change, report it immediately."


The maid Zi'er combed Qi Rongyue's hair who was sitting in front of the dressing table, looked at the shameful face of Guanyue in the mirror, and couldn't help but praise: "Princess Yue, you look so good-looking, and your hair is so black and smooth, It really looks good with any bun."

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "You don't need to pull your hair up in a bun, just put two braids behind your head."

There are all kinds of gorgeous ornaments on the dressing table. They were all sent by Prince An. They were made by the best craftsmen in the palace. They are all fresh styles. The ladies in the harem are envious However, Prince An ordered the builder not to make another one with the same style.

"Prince An is really kind to you, the servants are all moved." Zi'er joked.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, her appearance was considered pretty, she was young, with pink face and peach cheeks.

"Since your heart is moved, how about I talk to Wang An and let him accept you?"

When Zi'er heard this, she was so frightened that she immediately knelt on the ground: "Yue, Princess Yue, this servant just said something unintentionally, you, please don't take it to heart, just look at this mouth of this servant."

She raised her hand and twitched her ears: "Slave really didn't mean that. With this status as a slave, how dare, how dare you think about it? Slave——"

(End of this chapter)

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