Chapter 722 Love Over Time
Chapter 723

She began to speak nonchalantly, who didn't know that King An doted on her so much that he held her on the tip of his heart, as long as she said a word, her little life would immediately die without a place to die.

Qi Rongyue didn't turn her head back, her voice was still cold and indifferent: "Get up, I didn't know you would be so scared, I wouldn't have said it if I had known."

Zi'er stood up, picked up the comb that fell on the ground tremblingly, and helped her braid her hair with trembling hands.

A court lady stepped in and said to Qi Rongyue: "Princess Yue, King An is here, waiting for you in the side hall."

She got up, a gust of cool wind poured in through the half-open door, she covered her mouth and coughed lightly twice.


Zi'er hurriedly tied the cloak on her, and reached out to help her, but Qi Rongyue pushed her away: "No need, I can do it myself."

Zi'er's eyes were red, and she followed silently, thinking that Princess Yue must be tired of her, maybe she was thinking about how to punish her.

In the side hall, Zhou An waited restlessly, he was worried that Rong Yue would not see him, and he didn't know what to say when he met her.

Qihe at the side winked at Zhou An: "Master, here he is, here he is."

Zhou An was overjoyed, and hurriedly sat down, and when Rong Yue stepped into the hall, he put down the hot tea cup in his hand, stood up and greeted him: "You're here, are you feeling better?"

Qi Rongyue covered her mouth and coughed twice, then said with a light smile, "It's okay, just a little wind and cold." She thought of the biting cold in the cold pool, when she was dragged into the water by the cold flood, it was as if she had fallen into a hole in the ice.

She has a clear smile and gentle words, just like Qi Rongyue when she was in Pengcheng.

He felt relieved: "I thought you wouldn't see me."

Qi Rongyue sat down on the chair next to the table, sipped hot tea, raised her eyes when she heard this, and asked in puzzlement, "Why do you think so?"

"I thought you would blame me for forcing you to stay here." He was a little guilty. Although he was not in charge of this matter, it was caused by him, and he did not really strongly oppose it. He also had some small selfishness.

I hope she can stay, and hope that after a period of time together, she can also develop feelings for him for a long time.

She put down the teacup and smiled lightly: "You are worrying too much. I don't blame you or Your Majesty. Jiaozhu is a national treasure of the Zhou Dynasty. If I want to get it, I will naturally have to pay a corresponding price." She really didn't like it. Blame them, only blame myself for not being strong enough to save Zhongwen with my own strength.

It was she who chose to exchange, so what is there to blame?The old king of Zhou just put forward conditions that are more favorable to him. If this matter were changed to other emperors, she might not be able to borrow Jiaozhu. After all, who would change the owner of such a treasure?
Zhou An glanced at the sky outside, and said with a smile, "The weather is good today. You haven't been out since you've been sick. I happen to be free today. Let's go for a walk together?"

She nodded: "Alright, my room full of sickness should have some air."

She thought that when he said to go out for a walk, he meant to stroll in the imperial garden, but she didn't expect that he took her out of the palace.

"After eating the food in the palace for so long, you must be tired of it. I will take you to a special meal. I used to go to the place every time I go out of the palace." He was a little excited. After returning to China for so long, he had no chance to go But, take her with you, I'm in a good mood.

She has no objection, he can go wherever he says, it doesn't matter anyway, it's the same wherever he goes.

Half an hour later, Zhou An stood in a daze in front of the ruins. . .

(End of this chapter)

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