Chapter 723
Chapter 724

"No more?" she asked

"No more." He smiled wryly.

In the capital city, the only place he still has memory, the only place he wants to come again, is gone.

She smiled lightly, with no emotion: "Since it's gone, let's go elsewhere."

"Yeah." What else can I do if I don't go elsewhere?

The two left the carriage and walked on the most prosperous street in the capital. He wanted to buy her any novelty he saw, but she always seemed to lack interest. Although she had a polite smile on her face, she always Thinking absently.

Just when the two walked the whole street from the street to the end of the street, when Zhou An proposed to eat, a dozen men in black suddenly descended from the sky and surrounded them.

When Zhou An went out, he only brought two guards with him. When the incident happened suddenly, the two guards immediately protected Zhou An, one behind the other, and said loudly, "Who is this? This is His Royal Highness Prince An, don't offend me."

The brawny man at the head of the men in black sneered and said, "Whoever your prince or your highness is, it fell into the hands of our brothers today. If you want to go back alive, I'm afraid it won't be so easy. Brothers, go ahead and kill this man!" Man, capture this woman and take her back to the mountain, let's have fun."

Zhou An stood in front of Qi Rongyue, and said in a deep voice, "What's wrong with me, what kind of hero is bullying women?"

The man in black said: "We are not heroes, we are villains. If you talk about morality with villains, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Everyone laughed, but Qi Rongyue's clear and cold voice sounded at this moment: "The people in the palace sent you here."

The man in black stopped laughing and said forcefully, "Hu, what nonsense are you talking about? We are bandits."

Qi Rongyue snorted coldly: "Bandits are not as good as you, and they don't know the standing and footwork of the imperial guards. Even if you dress up like bandits, you still haven't learned the temperament of real bandits."

She had been trapped in a bandit's den before, and she knew the characteristics of bandits well. These people in front of her were all well-trained, and no one rushed to speak when the boss spoke. It was drawn up without any mistakes, and bandits absolutely did not have such qualities.

Although the man in black is covering his face, he can still feel the nervous and embarrassed look on his face: "You can say whatever you like, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, brothers, come on, if this little lady resists, kill her!" No pardon."

The words of the man in black confirmed Qi Rongyue's conjecture more and more. It was just a conjecture before, but now it is affirmative. It is certain that these people were sent by the palace. They only want her to die, not Zhou An.

More than a dozen men in black rushed towards Qi Rongyue, all of them armed with weapons.

Qi Rongyue took a step back, touched her waist, and threw a backhand, several golden lights flew out from between her fingers, and pierced the chests of several men in black, immediately several of them fell to the ground.

The leading man in black said coldly: "I really didn't expect that such a delicate beauty is actually a practicing family. Brothers, don't be polite to her, let her taste the power of our brothers."

Zhou An pushed the guards beside him towards Qi Rongyue: "Go, protect Princess Yue."

The guard was very hesitant. His duty was to protect Prince An, not Princess Yue. They didn't know what the consequences would be if Princess Yue made a mistake, but if Prince An made even the slightest mistake, their end would be very miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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