Chapter 724
Chapter 725

Qi Rongyue had already drawn out her dagger at this time, she said to Zhou An: "Their target is me, you go and rescue the soldiers."

Zhou An refused, how could he leave Rong Yue and escape by himself.

Qi Rongyue shouted: "If you don't want us all to die, then do as I tell you."

The guards guarding Zhou An's side also noticed the clues at this time. Those masked men in black had no intention of attacking Prince An at all. None of the people who fought with them used their full strength, and they all left after two moves. On the other hand, the situation of Princess Moon is very different from them. These men in black are obviously attacking Princess Moon, and they didn't kill her. Instead, they kept killing her, teasing her like a cat catching a mouse. Wait until she is exhausted before killing her.

Or maybe they have more sinister intentions.

The guard said to Zhou An: "Your Highness, now is not the time to show off your righteousness. You must not make any mistakes in your precious body. Please return to the palace immediately, and leave this matter to your subordinates."

Zhou An shook his head: "No, I'll stay, you go find reinforcements."


"Go soon? This is an order."

The two guards had no choice but to turn around and leave, and went to the government office closest to here to rescue the soldiers.

Qi Rongyue had been ill for a long time, and after several tumultuous battles, her body could no longer bear it, and the gold needles on her body were exhausted. Those people had countless opportunities to kill her, but they never did it until she was exhausted. When he was exhausted, the leading man in black said coldly: "Girl, you offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and it is not wrong to die at the hands of my uncle today. Come to me, remember." He raised his sword and stabbed fiercely at Qi Rongyue's chest.

Seeing this, Zhou An, who was anxious at the side, didn't have time to think, and rushed forward to protect her in front of her. The sound of the sharp sword piercing through the flesh fell in Qi Rongyue's ears. She was shocked and hurriedly He supported Zhou An's body and backed away.

Seeing that the guard in black didn't stab Qi Rongyue but instead stabbed Zhou An, he panicked and drew his sword hastily. Seeing Zhou An collapsed with a bloodless face, they were in chaos and couldn't continue anymore. The man in black said: "Let's retreat."

"Zhou An, Zhou An, wake up, don't sleep, don't sleep." She patted Zhou An's cheek vigorously.

Zhou An tried his best to open his eyes, looked at Qi Rongyue who was safe and sound in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his lips: "It's good that you are fine."

"I'm fine, and you can't be fine either. Get up quickly, and I'll take you back to the palace." She had been exhausted by a fierce battle and couldn't support him at all, and he seemed unable to stand up again.

The blood flowed all over the ground, and it was useless for her to press the wound. If there was a needle wrapped around it, she would be able to puncture his acupuncture point to stop the bleeding, but unfortunately, she didn't bring anything with her when she went out today.

Many onlookers gradually gathered around, and she called out to the crowd: "Is there anyone with a needle bag? Can you lend me one?"

Most of the onlookers are ordinary people, where did they get the silver needles, the embroidery needles are almost the same.

At this time, an old man with a medicine box walked up to her, quickly opened the medicine box, took out a needle bag from inside, and handed it to Qi Rongyue: "Girl, this person is seriously injured, and the bleeding needs to be stopped as soon as possible." , what do you want the needle bag for?"

It turned out to be a doctor, Qi Rongyue was overjoyed, quickly put Zhou An on the ground, turned him to lie on his stomach, then took the needle pack from the old man, and said with a smile: "It's for stopping the bleeding, thank you very much. "

(End of this chapter)

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