Chapter 736 The Crown Princess

Chapter 737

He hurriedly looked away and looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment: "Since you're hungry, eat something. I only drank alcohol just now, and I'm a little hungry now, let's eat together."

He got up first, walked to the table and sat down. There were two jade cups and a small glazed pot on the table.

This is a cup of wine prepared for them, to drink a cup, to share joys and sorrows, to share adversity, to drink together, to combine yin and yang.


He removed the wine glass, took a small bowl, and added some pastries for her.

Qi Rongyue was indeed hungry, she had never liked sweets, so she also ate several pieces.

After eating, the two faced the problem of sleeping, and there was only one bed in the room.

Afraid of her embarrassment, Zhou An spontaneously took a quilt from the bed and spread it on the floor: "I will sleep here today, and after a few days, I will move to the study."

Qi Rongyue nodded, she thought the same in her heart, she planned to sleep on the floor by herself, since he said it first, then let him.

The next morning, before dawn, Zhou An, who had been tossing and turning all night, got up and put on his clothes lightly, lest the maid of honor would come in and find him sleeping on the floor.

Before going out, he bit his own finger, dripped a few drops of blood on a piece of white silk, and quietly placed it at the end of the bed.

After he left, Qi Rongyue opened her closed eyes. Zhou An didn't sleep all night, and so did she. There was a man sleeping in the room, and this man was not the Zhong Wen she was familiar with. How could she sleep peacefully?

After breakfast, a palace lady will come to report.

"Princess Concubine, Miss Su Ru from Hussar General's Mansion is here, waiting outside the hall."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "What is she here for? I don't seem to know her."

"Your Majesty, it's a pity that Miss Suru said that she couldn't talk to you yesterday, and I'm here to greet you today."

There is nothing wrong with the left and right, let's see each other, "Let her in."

The maid went, and after a while she brought in a young lady who was dressed in fine clothes and exquisite makeup.

After only meeting each other, Qi Rongyue felt that she had seen this woman somewhere before, she must have seen her before, but for a moment she forgot exactly where she met her.

The woman also looked at Qi Rongyue with wanton eyes, without any fear or respect.

She came in front of Qi Rongyue, saluted Qi Rongyue Fu, her movements were standard, but her eyes were more presumptuous.

She smiled lightly: "You don't need to be too polite, just sit down."

Su Ru was not polite, and sat down beside Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue said: "Have we met before?"

Su Ru frowned slightly, with a forced smile on her face: "What does the princess mean? Su Ru has never been to the Chu Dynasty."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyes and glanced at the girl behind her. There was a black mole between the girl's eyebrows and one on the corner of her lips. This appearance was also very familiar, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar it became.

The girl also sneaked a peek at Qi Rongyue, as if she had thought of something, she hurriedly whispered to Miss Suru: "Miss, what the princess concubine said is right, we have indeed met."

No matter how much Su Ru thought about it, she couldn't remember where they had met.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qi Rongyue's mind, and she said with a smile: "Indeed, I have seen you. I saw you at the gate of the palace when I first came to the capital." This Miss Suru.

I really didn't expect that the lady of her majestic Hussar General's Mansion would do such a thing in person. Based on her status, shouldn't her father send her roster to the palace?

(End of this chapter)

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