Chapter 737 Miss Suru
Chapter 738

Su Ru didn't expect that their so-called meeting would be in such a situation, her face could not help but become very embarrassed, she coughed twice to cover up the embarrassment, she smiled stiffly: "I really didn't expect that we still have such fate." After she finished speaking, she turned to the girl behind her and said, "Hurry up and bring the gift I prepared."

Miss Su Ru obviously didn't want to continue this topic. After all, Zhou An didn't like her, and she didn't succeed in her position. It wasn't such a glorious thing.

The girl swiftly handed a mahogany box to the table in front of Su Ru.

Su Ru opened the box, pushed it in front of Qi Rongyue, and said with a smile: "Princess Concubine, this is the snow ginseng that has been treasured in my family for many years. I heard that Crown Princess Concubine used to be a medical girl, so I brought it here. Come in handy."

The palace maid standing next to Qi Rongyue immediately darkened her face when she heard her words, and said displeasedly: "Miss Suru, my mother is the princess who protects the country of the Chu Dynasty, what do you mean by talking about a medical lady?"

What's the meaning?I mean provocative.

The smile on Qi Rongyue's face didn't fade away, she was just feeling bored, and someone sent her to her door to pass the time, just what she wished for.

She said: "I used to run a medical clinic in the Chu Dynasty. It is true that I am a medical girl. I was also the Zhou An I met at that time. I didn't expect that he turned from a down-and-out scholar to Zhou An. To the prince."

Su Ru's face turned dark immediately, and she said in a muffled voice, "You are so lucky."

Qi Rongyue pretended not to hear clearly, and asked, "What did you say?"

Su Ru laughed dryly: "It's nothing, I mean you are really good-looking, Crown Princess, if I were a man, I would also like you."

Qi Rongyue pursed her lips, took off her handkerchief and covered her mouth with a chuckle, only to hear Su Ru say again: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will ascend the throne in three months, and by then, you will be the only one living in the entire harem, who will not talk There is no one here, don't you feel lonely?"

Qi Rongyue secretly smiled, it seems that this is the purpose of her visit today.

"Thinking about it, it's really true. I am the only one in charge of this huge palace, and I have to serve His Highness. I'm afraid I will be too busy. I don't even have anyone to talk about myself."

Seeing her taking the bait, Su Ru hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Yes, yes, who said no, how can you be busy with all these things alone, besides, it is not enough to serve His Highness alone."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "That's right, it seems that we are going to choose a side concubine for His Highness as soon as possible."

When Suru heard this, she was so happy that she almost didn't fly up, and hurriedly said: "Princess Concubine, you must choose a concubine who knows the basics, otherwise, if someone with a bad temper comes in, then the harem will be turned upside down." gone?"

The palace maid behind Qi Rongyue immediately rolled her eyes, she really wanted to throw this shameless woman out, is there anyone who can do things like this, to talk about such things on the second day of a wedding.

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "That's natural, if it's someone who doesn't know the root cause, God knows what trouble is hidden in people's hearts."

Su Ru nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, that's the reason. So, you already have a candidate in your heart, Empress?" She guessed that Qi Rongyue would say that there was no candidate. After all, she just came to Zhou Dynasty not long ago and didn't know her. There are several people, how could there be someone to choose.

As long as she said that there was no candidate, she would recommend herself immediately, and she wouldn't believe it. Would the prince shirk the marriage that the princess had personally arranged?Which man doesn't have three wives and four concubines?What's more, he is still a dragon among men like the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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