Chapter 738

Chapter 739

But Qi Rongyue said: "Yes, I already have a candidate, you don't know, I have two younger sisters in the Chu Dynasty, both of them were beautiful, and they were born in a scholarly family. Will definitely like it."

Su Ru was dumbfounded: "You, your sister? This, this is too far away, besides, your sister may not be willing to come."

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Wait for me to write a letter to tell you all the benefits of this Zhou Dynasty, and they will come naturally."

The maid behind Qi Rongyue pursed her lips and suppressed a smile, seeing Miss Su Ru's current expression, she felt that she could laugh for a month.

"Well, I'm a little tired. I got up late today, so I'll accept your snow ginseng. I haven't prepared anything today, so I won't return the gift. Next time." After she finished speaking, she handed the ginseng to the maid behind her. With a wink, the court lady understood, and said to Suru: "Miss Suru, please, the princess is going to rest."

No matter how unwilling Su Ru was, she dared not insist on leaving. This is not the General's Mansion, so she couldn't help but say no.

She glanced at the snow ginseng on the table with resentful eyes. This is a top-grade ginseng. It's a pity that she had known this would be the result. She really shouldn't have come. She lost her wife and lost her army.

As soon as Su Ru left, the maid behind her said: "Your Majesty, do you really want to bring your sister from the Chu Dynasty?"

Qi Rongyue was indeed a little tired, she didn't close her eyes last night, and she was in a slump when she had breakfast, and she was even more sleepy after talking nonsense with Su Ru.

"I don't have a younger sister. I just teased her. Don't tell your master, or you should be angry with me again."

The palace maid laughed dryly: "Your Majesty, what are you talking about, the master of this slave is you, Your Majesty."

Qi Rongyue didn't refute her, she just said yes, it doesn't matter.


Mr. Wan anxiously looked at Jian Yun who was packing his luggage: "Why can't I go?"

Jian Yun didn't turn her head back, she stuffed some clothes and books into her luggage, and said in a low voice: "The journey is long, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it with your body, besides, I'm going to do some business, not to visit the mountains. Water, even if you take it with you."

Mr. Wan was a grievance. He held back his words for a long time and finally blurted out at this moment: "Jian Yun, your words don't count. You clearly promised me something, but you acted like nothing happened. You must tell me something today." If so, otherwise, otherwise, I——"

Jian Yun fastened the burden, put it in his arms, turned to look at Mr. Wan, and said with a half-smile, "Otherwise?"

Mr. Wan was speechless, he just blocked Jian Yun's way with his arms crossed: "I don't allow you to go, either stay or take me with you."

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure you can stop me?"

With a bitter face, Mr. Wan stretched out his hand to grab Jian Yun's arm, holding it tightly: "Jian Yun, you said that as long as you can survive in the desert, you will marry me, you clearly agreed How can you say that if you don’t count, you don’t count?”

Jian Yun didn't break free from his hand, and said with a light smile, "I didn't say it didn't count."

Mr. Wan was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "You mean, you mean——will you marry me?"

Jian Yunning looked at Mr. Wan's ecstatic face, and there were layers of soft waves in his eyes: "I avoided talking about this matter before because of my illness. I didn't want to drag you down. Now that my illness is cured, I naturally I will fulfill my promise, but I must first bring Rongyue back, she is now trapped in the Zhou Dynasty, and it was all because of me, how can I get married with you with peace of mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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