Chapter 743
Chapter 744

After Zhou An left, a little worry appeared on Jian Yun's face: "Rong Yue, you said that Zhou An promised you that you would let you go, but I can see from his appearance that he has already regarded you as his wife. Will he really let go?"

This is exactly what Rongyue was worried about. Recently, she noticed that Zhou An's eyes on her had changed again. In the past, he hid his feelings for her in his heart, and tried his best to keep a distance from her, so that she could feel at ease and marry herself. Later, although he didn't share the bed with her, he spoke and acted a lot more freely on weekdays, and sometimes he would do some intimate actions in front of the old king of Zhou. He explained that he just didn't want his father to be suspicious, but It is not ruled out that he has selfish motives.

Xue'er also said: "I can see it too. The way he looks at Miss is affectionate and lingering. I think he said he would let you go, but he didn't mean it at all."

Jian Yun said: "Therefore, we must prepare another escape route, and we cannot put all the treasures on him."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyes and met her master's eyes, both master and apprentice smiled knowingly, a bold plan took shape in their hearts.

Qi Rongyue had thought about this plan a long time ago, but she couldn't implement it because she didn't have anyone around her who she could trust wholeheartedly. Now that Master and Xue'er are here, this plan can be perfectly implemented.

"You two are smiling so treacherously, have you thought of any good idea?" Xue Er asked.

Qi Rongyue chuckled: "Shanren has his own tricks, just wait and see."

It is late spring, the night is slightly cool and windy, and the fragrance of various flowers wafts in the wind, which is fascinating.

When Zhou An returned to the East Palace, it was already late at night. He stood outside the door, and finally retracted his hand that was about to push the door. Master Jian and Xueer's laughter came from inside. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to go in now? ?

Sighing, he turned around and went to the study room. Eight out of ten days he slept in the study room, and the remaining two days he slept on the floor. Compared with the comfort of the soft couch in the study room, he preferred the cold and hard floor.

Because there, he could find a good angle, look at her all night, listen to her shallow breathing, and smell the faint body fragrance emanating from the room.

It's just that it's good, that's enough, and he is very satisfied.

Now that Jian Yun and Xue'er are here, these days are probably coming to an end, and he will no longer have the opportunity to live in the same room with her.

Hey - another sleepless night.

"Your Highness, why don't you find a maid to relieve your boredom?" The eunuch at the side couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Zhou An.

Zhou An glared at him and said angrily, "Don't say such a thing a second time."

The eunuch immediately fell silent, unable to understand what was going on in His Highness the Crown Prince's heart. The Crown Princess treated him so indifferently, and he was so happy with it. Not only did he not have the slightest bit of resentment, but he was also determined to clean himself up for her. He doesn't know whether it exists among the people, but in this palace, it never existed. . .

Two months later, the old king of Zhou officially announced that Zen was located in Zhou'an, and held a grand enthronement ceremony on the sixth day of June.

Jian Yun came out of the pharmacy, frowning and unhappy, Xue Er hurriedly asked: "Master Jian, what's wrong with you? Who made you unhappy?"

Jian Yun glanced at the elixir in his hand, shook his head and sighed: "After struggling for so long, it still doesn't work. I'm so pissed off."

At this time, Qi Rongyue stepped out from the inner hall, took the pill in Jian Yun's hand, smelled it, then picked it up with his nails to taste it, and said with a frown, "It's still missing a medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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