Chapter 744 Envoy to Zhou Dynasty
Chapter 745

Jian Yun nodded: "Who says it's not, I tried many methods and replaced it with many things with similar medicinal effects, but it just couldn't work."

Qi Rongyue said: "It seems that we must find this medicine. There is no medicine in the palace, and there must be no medicine shop outside. What should we do?"

Jian Yun said: "It seems that I have to find time to go out to collect herbs myself, go to the mountains to look for it, maybe I can find it."

"I have no problem with you going to the mountains to find medicine, but don't go to Funiu Mountain. If we encounter a cold dragon, we won't even have the power to fight back in front of that guy."

Jian Yun nodded: "If you say you won't let me go, I will definitely not go. I still have to save my life to raise your children. How can I take risks at will?"

Qi Rongyue blushed, and gave Master a blank look: "Master, you are so serious, what are you talking about about a child, others heard it and thought I was pregnant."


Chu Palace
Mr. He, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, advised Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, King Chan of Zhou is located in the crown prince, and the enthronement ceremony will be held on the sixth day of June. Our Chu and Zhou dynasties have been friends for a hundred years. Should we give a generous gift?"

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Master He is right, and I also have the same intention on this matter, but who is willing to send an envoy to the Zhou Dynasty to present a generous gift to the King of Zhou?" His eyes looked around the hall, It finally fell on Zheng Zhongwen.

Min Hengzhi immediately took a step forward, and said to Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, I am willing to serve you."

Chu Tianqi remained silent, his eyes still looking at Zheng Zhongwen.

As soon as Zheng Zhongwen heard the word Zhou Chao, he immediately thought of Qi Rongyue, and his heart ached again. He really wanted to see with his own eyes what was so special about this woman who always made his heart ache.

Sure enough, he lived up to Chu Tianqi's expectations, Zheng Zhongwen took a step from the queue, and respectfully said to Chu Tianqi: "I am willing to serve you."

Chu Tianqi immediately made a decision: "Okay, I will follow Zheng Qing."

When Zheng Guogong came to his senses, the emperor had already made a decision. As the saying goes, a gentleman's words are hard to follow. As the Duke of the country, how could he force the emperor to change his words.

After the court, Chu Tianqi called Zheng Zhongwen to the imperial study alone.

"Your Majesty!" Zheng Zhongwen saluted Chu Tianqi with a serious expression, no longer the casualness of being with Chu Tianqi in the past.

Forget it all, forget everything, those days of sacrificing one's life and sharing joys and sorrows together, all of them are forgotten.

Chu Tianqi felt very sad when he thought of the fact that he and his sister could not get married as lovers. He handed a letter he had just written to Zheng Zhongwen's hands, and said, "This is a letter from me to Sister Huang, please. You handed it over to her personally for me."

Zheng Zhongwen took the letter and said: "I obey the order."

Looking at Zheng Zhongwen standing respectfully, Chu Tianqi felt a pain in his heart, and said, "Brother Zhongwen, when will you remember the past?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked up at the emperor, and said indifferently: "Since you will forget, it must not be important. The past has passed, and the future will be a new beginning."


East Palace.

"Is there no news about Master?" Qi Rongyue asked Xue'er.

Xue'er shook her head: "Since I received the letter from Master Jian half a month ago, there has been no news."

Seeing that the lady was worried, Xue'er hurriedly said to her relief: "Miss, Master Jian is very skilled in martial arts, and he often goes to the mountains to collect herbs. He is very experienced. Nothing will happen, so don't worry about it."

She nodded and took a deep breath: "I hope so!"

(End of this chapter)

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