Chapter 747 Letter

Chapter 748

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at Xue'er indifferently, and looked down on her smile. Since she is the person next to Qi Rongyue, he must not be a good person.

He strode into the palace with windy steps, trying to maintain a calm face to conceal the pain in his heart. Every step he took felt like someone had stabbed him with a knife. The pain was indescribable.

All the pain he is suffering now is thanks to Qi Rongyue.

Seeing him coming in, she stood up from her chair and involuntarily took two steps forward, her face seemed calm, but the joy in her eyes could not be concealed, he was healed, the way he walked seemed to have recovered.

The appearance of the woman in front of him appeared more and more clearly in front of him, her face was still the same, but the expression on her face was different from what he had imagined.

She seemed very happy to see him, huh—what is there to be happy about seeing her ex-fiancé?Was she trying to show him off that she had finally become a queen of a country?And the honor that he can't give her, another man can give her, isn't that right?
"You are Qi Rongyue?" He stood still two feet in front of her, did not move forward, his handsome eyebrows were tightly knit, and his eyes were cold.

Although she was mentally prepared, it can be seen that he really forgot her, and the loss in her heart was still strong. She smiled lightly, hiding the helplessness and sadness in her eyes: "I am Qi Rongyue, very happy to see you again."

The pain in his chest became more and more intense. Although he was used to this kind of pain, the pain at this time was almost beyond his tolerance. He leaned on the edge of the table and sat down.

Seeing him sweating profusely, she quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you? But the wound hurts?"

He raised his eyes and stared coldly at the face in front of him that seemed to be very concerned about him: "Yes, the wound hurts, and it's all thanks to you."

Qi Rongyue looked puzzled: "It shouldn't be, it's been a long time since I said it, your injury has already healed, why does it hurt?"

Zheng Zhongwen did not explain further to her, took a deep breath, took out a letter from his arms, and put it on the table with a 'snap': "This is the letter that the emperor asked me to deliver to you."

The letter has been brought, and he has seen the person. He wanted to turn around and leave, but the pain in his chest made him unable to get up.

Qi Rongyue glanced at the letter, then said to Zheng Zhongwen, "Let me see your injury."

He waved his hand: "No need, since you have chosen to abandon me and marry another, there is no need to pretend to care about me in front of me. I just feel sick and hypocritical."

Qi Rongyue smiled wryly: "You can say whatever you want, I was the one who was sorry for you first, if you hate me, I will admit it too."

He raised his eyes to look at her, his bright and delicate face was full of sorrow, and he swallowed all the evil words that spit out of his throat when he saw the unresolved sorrow in her eyes.

He asked harshly, "If you marry another person, you will marry another one, so why did you kill me?"

Qi Rongyue sighed: "Everything has its own cause and its own effect. It is not convenient for me to tell you more now. If we meet again in the future, I will tell you everything." It's just to add to his distress, so why bother.

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "Fate? Do you think we are still destined? Do you think it is necessary for us to meet again?" As he spoke, he took the half-cold tea from the table and drank it down.

Xue on the side stepped forward quickly, took another teacup and filled it with tea, she said: "My lord, no matter what Miss does, she always has her own reasons, if you don't even believe her, then she—— "

(End of this chapter)

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