Chapter 748
Chapter 749

Qi Rongyue interrupted Xue'er's words: "Stop talking."

Zheng Zhongwen also had no intention of entangled with her anymore, after she backed away for a few steps, the pain in his chest was not as severe as before, it turned out that as long as he was not by her side, he would not be in so much pain.

He got up, and said to Qi Rongyue: "Believe me, I have delivered it, and leave." After saying that, he strode away without a trace of nostalgia.

She chased after a few steps, unable to utter a word to persuade him to stay, and could only watch helplessly as he disappeared before her eyes.

"Miss, it turns out that his amnesia is real, how could this happen, how could he even forget you?"

Qi Rongyue smiled wryly: "Didn't Master say that when he woke up, let alone me, he didn't even remember his own name."

Xue'er was also speechless: "If you don't remember, then don't remember, but he still remembers that you stabbed him with a knife. It's really weird."

Seeing that the young lady was distressed, Xue'er felt uncomfortable, and pushed her to sit down at the table: "Don't think so much, when we return to Chu Dynasty, we can explain the matter clearly to him."

She brought the teacup in front of Qi Rongyue, and pushed the plate of snacks over: "You haven't eaten for two meals, hurry up and eat something."

How could she be in the mood to eat, she just took a teacup and was about to sip one, when an unusual smell came into her nose, she frowned, immediately put down the teacup, and took the teapot beside her to smell it , it really has this smell in it.

She asked Xue'er, "Who sent this tea?"

Xue'er thought for a while, and hurriedly said: "When I came back from outside, I saw Dong'er going out with a tea tray, she should have given it to me."

Thinking that Zheng Zhongwen drank a cup of tea before leaving, she panicked, and hurriedly said to Xue'er: "There is something wrong with this water, take it away, don't drink it, and also, send someone to take Dong'er down. Lock it up and interrogate her when I come back." She took out the needle bag and hid it in her sleeve, and hurried out.

Xue'er hurriedly shouted: "Where are you going?"

Qi Rongyue said without turning her head, "I'll go back as soon as I go."

Qi Rongyue took the token given to her by Zhou An, and left the palace unimpeded all the way, riding horses towards the post station on the outskirts of the royal capital. When envoys from various countries come to court, they usually live in the post post built by their own country, so as not to be confused after entering the city. It is inconvenient to stay because of bringing a lot of people and horses, and the post station also receives guests on weekdays, and will only close down after receiving the notice of the envoy's coming.

She knew that the inn of the Chu Dynasty was behind Taoyuan on the outskirts of the city, and she had been here once before, so she was familiar with it.

It is said that Zheng Zhongwen felt a little uncomfortable shortly after leaving the East Palace, so he said goodbye to the fellow officials who planned to stay for the banquet, and went straight back to the post station to rest.

He was riding a horse, and he felt his heart beating very fast and his body was very hot, as if he was drunk, but not like he was drunk.

But the problem is, he didn't drink a glass of wine today.

Back at the post station, it was empty and silent, without a single ghost. The big guys saw the adults entered the palace, so they invited them to drink together, and the steward of the post station, Xiaoer, also entered the city to receive the reward from the new emperor's ascension to the throne.

He returned to the room, first poured down a large pot of cold tea, but still did not quench his thirst, and his body became hotter and hotter.

"What's the matter, why is it so uncomfortable?" He tugged on his clothes, and a stream of heat rushed up in his lower abdomen. It was hot, very hot, hot, and he wanted to vent, but he tried his best to hold back with willpower. what happened?

He didn't eat anything today, except for the glass of water in the East Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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