Chapter 749 Emotional throbbing

Chapter 751

"Your Majesty, this way." The eunuch helped Zhou An to the Hall of Mercy, but Zhou An pushed the eunuch away and stumbled towards the East Palace.

The eunuch hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you have gone the wrong way, this way, not that way."

Zhou An frowned and said angrily: "Is this king going wrong? Where is my own wife, don't you know?"

The eunuch wanted to say more, but was blocked by Zhou An: "Go, go, stay here, don't make noise in this king's ear, it's annoying to death."

He stepped into the East Palace, turned his head and said to the eunuchs and guards following him: "You are not allowed to come in, just wait here."

He stumbled into the inner hall, into the dormitory where she was sitting on the couch in a scarlet gown that night.

The room was very bright, he opened the door and entered, and saw the slender figure standing beside the bed making the bed with his drunken eyes.

With the strength of wine, he rushed behind her and hugged her tightly, tightly, not wanting to let go.

Xue'er was so frightened that the smell of alcohol came to her nostrils. She heard Zhou An's voice ringing in her ears, calling Miss's name affectionately and affectionately.

Knowing that he had made a mistake, she felt very uncomfortable, and swiftly peeled off his arms around her waist: "Your Majesty, you have made a mistake, your servant is Xue'er."

However, Zhou An seemed to be unable to hear any sound, and was completely immersed in his own world. He hugged her tightly and refused to let go. What he saw in his dim drunk eyes was not Xueer, but the Rongyue he was thinking about, or That Rongyue who was by his side, but still made him worry about it.

"Rongyue, don't leave me, I will give you whatever you want, as long as you stay, I only want you to stay."

"Don't go, don't go..." His wet kiss fell on her neck, full of passionate throbbing and long-suppressed excitement.

"Zhou An, Zhou An, wake up, I'm Xue'er, I'm not a lady, let go, let me go quickly."

She yelled desperately, but he ignored it, and only regarded her as his beloved woman, doing what he always wanted to do but dared not surpass.

At the end of the resistance, Xue'er's flustered body was ignited by his passion, she no longer refused, no longer said she was not.

The man in front of her is the man she has always liked, but is deeply hidden in her heart.

She thought that she and him would never have any intersection again.

She thought that soon she and Miss would leave here forever, leaving without worries.

Then let's be crazy once, even in this lifetime, only this time.

Hall of Cihe

Qi Rongyue ordered someone to send the last female guest away, she straightened her waist, rubbed her sore back, turned her head and asked Gongkou beside her: "What time is it?"

The maid hurriedly said: "Go back to your mother, it's the second watch now."

Qi Rongyue frowned, it was so late: "Where is Xue'er?"

The maid shook her head: "Sister Xue'er hasn't come back yet."

"Where did she go?" Qi Rongyue asked.

The maid said: "Earlier she said that she would go to the East Palace to fetch her usual pillow. She was afraid that you might not sleep well in the Hall of Mercy and Harmony today, and she never came back after that."

Xue'er has always been quick to do things, and she will never go missing. How come she hasn't come back so late?

She said to the maid: "You go to the East Palace to have a look." She must have been entangled in something, otherwise she should come and talk to her no matter what.

The maid hurriedly left, the Hall of Mercy and Harmony was not close to the East Palace, and the entire imperial garden was separated, but the maid came back very quickly, sweating from running.

(End of this chapter)

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