Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 755 I Don't Want to Chapter [-]

Chapter 755 I don't want to go back

Chapter 758

He was wondering too.

"Since she is not homeless, it is reasonable for you to take her back. In this case, wait a moment, I will go to my wife and let her bring her here."

Dina and Diwu were overjoyed and thanked Master Zhu.

Master Zhu went directly to the backyard and went to the room, and saw his wife sitting in the room with that girl Di Jia, talking mysteriously.

"Ma'am, what are you talking about?" He entered the room with a smile.

Seeing Mrs. Zhu coming to the room at this moment, Mrs. Zhu couldn't help but wonder: "Why don't you go to those vixens' rooms, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Zhu frowned, and glanced at Di Jia involuntarily. Could it be that the master came here because of Di Jia?
Although this Dijia can't be called extremely beautiful, she has an exotic style in her appearance, which is very attractive to men. Does the master also like it?
Master Zhu said with a smile: "Look what Madam said, don't I also come here once a month?"

She only came once a month, and she was ashamed to say it. Madam Zhu curled her lips and asked again: "What is the purpose of your visit? Just tell me."

Master Zhu glanced at Di Jia, and asked with a smile, "Let me ask Miss Di Jia a few words first."

Mrs. Zhu's face became more and more pale: "I can tell you, Di Jia is going to marry a nobleman, and it has nothing to do with you, so don't be delusional."

Your Excellency?How expensive can it be?
Master Zhu asked: "Miss Dijia, do you know the King of Side-by-Shoulders?"

Di Jia nodded: "Yes, I came to Kyoto City because of him."

"Then what is your relationship?" Master Zhu asked again.

Di Jia's face blushed, she looked shy, and bowed her head in silence.

Seeing that her husband didn't mean what she thought, Mrs. Zhu's face immediately changed a lot, and she gave him a blank look and said, "How can you ask a girl like that? Can a girl say it?"

Master Zhu laughed: "I'm taking the liberty, that's right, the King Side by Side is now at our residence, and your sister and brother are also here, saying they want to take you home."

When Di Jia heard that Zheng Zhongwen had come, she was overjoyed at first, and when she heard that Dina and Di Wu were also here, she immediately frowned and remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Master Zhu hurriedly asked, "You don't want to go back?"

Of course she didn't want to go back, if she did, her wish to marry Zheng Zhongwen would come to nothing, and it might even be impossible to even meet him.

She couldn't just give up the opportunity she had come so hard to get so easily.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Zhu was overjoyed: "Di Jia, tell me, what do you really think?"

Di Jia was also polite, and said directly: "I don't want to go back, my sister doesn't like me, she wants me to die immediately, my brother doesn't want to see me, and I don't want to live in Mr. Wan's house anymore and live with winks." '

Mrs. Zhu was waiting for her words, smiling from ear to ear: "Okay, we won't go back if you say no." She turned to Mr. Zhu and said, "Master, you're going back to Di Jia's siblings now." , Tell them that Di Jia has become my adoptive daughter, and she will live in our Zhu Mansion from now on, and will never go back, so that they don't have to come here again in the future."

Mr. Zhu was a little embarrassed: "But he is king by shoulders—"

Mrs. Zhu smiled and said: "Isn't this simple? You told the King of Side Shoulders that I would take Di Jia to the Duke's Mansion in a few days, and he knew what he meant."

Master Zhu knows Madam's temper, and no one can make her change her mind about what she decides, otherwise life will be very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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