Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 756 Stop pretending in front of my mother

Chapter 756 Stop pretending in front of my mother

Chapter 759

Lord Zhu returned to the hall according to his words, and conveyed Madam's words.

Zheng Zhongwen was confused: "What does Lord Zhu mean by this? What is your wife taking her to the Duke's Mansion for?"

Master Zhu said: "Madam said you know what it means."

Zheng Zhongwen was a little annoyed: "Master Zhu, you are a first-rank official in the imperial court anyway, you speak so thoughtlessly, and you say such groundless things in front of your siblings, people who know it will say you are talking nonsense, people who don't know People thought I, Zheng, was a hypocrite with a beastly face."

Master Zhu was also dumbfounded. Hearing what he meant, isn't he and Di Jia acquainted?

Zheng Zhongwen wanted to just shake his sleeves and leave, but seeing Di Wu's embarrassed and anxious look, his heart softened, and he asked again: "Master Zhu, I just want to ask you a word, this Di Jia, what are you?" Will you hand it over?"

Master Zhu hurriedly said: "My lord, what you said is too serious. Miss Di Jia is true in the lower official's mansion, but she is not someone that the lower official can control. She doesn't want to go back, what can I do?"

"She doesn't want to go back?" Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows and glanced sideways at Di Wu.

Diwu hurriedly said: "I also ask Mr. Zhu to invite her to come out to see her. I want to ask her personally."

Master Zhu said: "That's what I mean too, but she just doesn't want to come out to see her. She only said that she would go to the Duke's Mansion in a few days, and told you to go back quickly, so that you don't have to look for her again."

When Dina heard this, based on her understanding of Di Jia, it was possible for her to say such a thing, she immediately became angry, and said angrily: "Okay, very good, since she refuses to recognize our siblings, Then let's stay, as we siblings have never had her as a younger sister." Dina was impatient, she turned around and left.

Seeing that his sister was gone, Diwu hurried to chase after her.

Zheng Zhongwen cast a cold glance at Master Zhu, strode away without saying anything.

Mr. Zhu was so coldly glanced at him that he broke out in a cold sweat. The side-by-side king seemed to be a completely different person since he recovered from his illness last time. His eyes were more domineering than before, and he didn't seem to be as easy to get along with as before. .

Mr. Zhu thought about Zheng Zhongwen's words and expression just now, and the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, so he hurriedly went to his wife's room again, and Di Jia was no longer there.

He hurriedly approached his wife and asked in a low voice: "Madam, what happened to Dijia? What are you and her planning?"

Mrs. Zhu smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes, and by then, it will be too late for you to be grateful."

Master Zhu was at a loss: "Where's Di Jia? You let her come out, and I'll ask her."

Mrs. Zhu rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "Didn't you ask all the questions just now? What else are you asking? Didn't you see that the girl is beautiful, and you have a wrong heart again?"

Master Zhu had a bitter face: "I said, grandma, can you think of me better? How old am I? Can I marry a younger one?"

Mrs. Zhu sneered: "Don't pretend to be in front of my old lady, and you dare to say that you have never met the girl who serves pen and ink in the study? She is younger than Di Jia, can't you do it?"

Master Zhu blushed, stiffened his neck and said, "It's two different things, don't talk about those useless things, tell her to come out, can't I ask her in front of you?"

Mrs. Zhu waved her hand: "She's not here, I asked Madam Liu to take her out to make clothes and buy jewelry, and we won't be back for a while."

Master Zhu looked surprised, walked to the door and looked up at the sky, muttering something softly.

(End of this chapter)

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