Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 757 It smells like melting the moon

Chapter 757 It smells like melting the moon
Chapter 760

"What did you say?" Mrs. Zhu asked.

"I said, the sun must come out from the west." His wife is notoriously stingy, and she is willing to pay for Di Jia's new clothes and jewelry. This is simply a fairy tale.

Mrs. Zhu snorted, "What is this? Soon we will earn back ten times and a hundred times."


Dina went back to Wan Mansion, met Mr. Wan, and told her about the matter. Seeing her sad, Mr. Wan comforted her: "Dina, she chose this path by herself, and she should let her taste the consequences, you You and Diwu are both good kids, so don't worry about her affairs from now on."

Dina lowered her eyes, and a drop of tears fell down. Although she was usually fierce to Di Jia, she didn't really want to let her go. Now that she has walked this way, she will go underground in the future. What face does she have to see Dad?

Diwu was also sad, but he was a man after all, he didn't think as much as Dina, he patted Dina on the shoulder: "Sister, Mr. Wan is right, since she doesn't want to be with us anymore, then Let her go, she will eat any bitter fruit in the future, and it has nothing to do with us."

It is said that after Zheng Zhongwen returned home, the first thing he did was to inform his mother, telling her that as long as the Zhu family came, he would never see him.

Mrs. Guogong doesn't know the inside story, but since her son said so, she will follow suit. She has seen many girls from other families in the past few days. I am also anxious, if this continues, I am afraid that it will be even more difficult to find a girl who can compare to Rongyue in the capital city, but if it is not that kind of girl, how can I be worthy of my son?

At this time, a girl came to report: "Ma'am, Mrs. Xue from the Yongle Hou Mansion is here."

When Mrs. Zheng heard this, she immediately smiled and said, "Quick, please come in."

Mrs. Xue from the Yonglehou Mansion has a close relationship with her, she has known each other since childhood, and grew up playing and playing together until she married into the Yongpinghou Mansion, while Xue Yun married Yonglehou in Liangzhou. .

It has been 17 years since they separated. A while ago, they communicated and learned that the other party had a [-]-year-old unmarried daughter, so they mentioned the son's marriage proposal. It seems that Wang Yun took it to heart .

Zheng Zhongwen saw that his mother was going to meet a guest, so he got up and wanted to leave. Mrs. Zheng called him back: "Zhongwen, don't go, see your aunt before you go."

"Mother, I still have business to do, so don't delay."

Mrs. Zheng didn't care about these things, she stepped forward and pulled him back, and pushed him into the chair: "It's just a waste of time for a cup of tea, can you still turn the world upside down?"

Zheng Zhongwen had no choice but to stay.

After a while, the servants brought Mrs. Xue and a slim girl into the hall.

Mrs. Zheng rushed forward and took Wang Yun's hand with one hand. The two looked at each other with tears in their eyes: "When we parted back then, we all changed from young girls to old women."

Wang Yun smiled and said: "I became an old woman, you are a young woman at best." At the same age, Zhao Lang looked at least ten years younger than her. It seemed that she had lived a good life these years. She must be very good too, she doesn't look like her, she married a man with a heart, and the concubines carried them to the mansion one by one.

Mrs. Zheng's eyes fell on Wang Yun's back. The girl was seventeen years old, with a slender figure, a pale complexion, and an orchid-like temperament, quite a bit of the charm of Wang Yun back then.

But the appearance is a bit brighter than Wang Yun's. At first glance, in terms of temperament and appearance, there is still a bit of melting moon flavor, not bad, not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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