Chapter 758 A Legendary Woman
Chapter 761

She looked at her son, and saw that his son was also staring at the girl, his eyes were fixed, which was very different from when she saw the girl before, she was secretly happy, it seemed like something was going on.

The girl also sneaked a look at Zheng Zhongwen, seeing him tall and handsome, with an extraordinary temperament, and the status of the side-by-side king, her heart secretly agreed with just one glance, knowing that he was also looking at her, she was so ashamed that she blushed to the point of bleeding.

Mrs. Zheng said: "Zhongwen, your aunt and I have a lot to talk about. Baozhen has just come to our house, so you take her to stroll in the garden."

Zhongwen frowned: "Mother, I still have business to deal with. I don't have time now, so I'll take my leave first." It is possible to find a huge difference between the two.

He couldn't entertain, turned around and strode away.

Mrs. Zheng hid the embarrassment on her face and said with a smile: "This child is already an adult, but he is still shy."

Mrs. Xue is a sensible person. She has also inquired about Zheng Zhongwen's matter. The former fiancée is a character like Princess Huguo. Now Princess Huguo is marrying someone else, and let him marry another one. How can an ordinary girl get into his? Eye?

However, she is very confident in her daughter and will definitely capture Zheng Zhongwen's heart.

Two days later, the Zhu family really came to the door. Mrs. Zhu came to the gate of the Duke's Mansion with a beautifully dressed Di Jia. After handing over the post, she waited for a long time. . .

Mrs. Zhu only felt that there was something wrong with her ears. After all, she was also the wife of the Minister of the Ministry of War, and she also had an imperial order, so she couldn't enter the Yongding Palace?

Mrs. Zhu glanced at Di Jia beside her, and then said to her: "Is your prince here?"

The servant nodded: "My lord is here, accompanying guests in the garden, I'm afraid I don't have time to see you, please go back."

Mrs. Zhu hurriedly stuffed a small piece of silver into the servant's hand: "Go and help me pass a message to your prince, saying that Miss Dijia is here and waiting at this door."

The servant secretly weighed the weight of the broken silver, curled his lips in his heart, thinking that this wife who claims to be a first-rank official is so stingy.

"Okay, just wait a little longer." After he finished speaking, he closed the door again, turned around and ran into the garden.

"My lord, you don't seem to like to talk much?" Xue Baozhen looked at the handsome man beside him and asked softly.

Zheng Zhongwen was full of impatience. As soon as he came back from court, his mother caught him straight and forced him to accompany this Miss Baozhen to the garden. Standing next to this woman, his nose was full of powder, and he could see The golden flower and Baocui on the other end reminded him of Qi Rongyue whom he saw in Zhou Palace. Although she was the queen, she was dressed in simple and elegant clothes with no decoration on her head. Her body smelled like a faint scent of medicine. Soft, her lip gloss is very sweet, even when she is crying, she is so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes his heart ache.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that his face suddenly became ugly, Baozhen hurriedly reached out to help him.

Zheng Zhongwen pushed it away coldly, and said softly: "It's nothing, I just remembered someone, and my heart hurts."

Xue Baozhen's face was slightly stiff, but she still kept a faint smile on her face: "Is it Princess Huguo?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows and looked at her sideways: "You know her too?"

Xue Baozhen shook her head: "I don't know her, but I really want to know her, such a legendary woman."

(End of this chapter)

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