Chapter 762

Chapter 766

She finally shed tears of remorse. If she was still by Dina and Diwu's side, at least she would not have to suffer such insults.

But in this world, there has never been any regret medicine to take, never.


"Zhongwen, you've been in touch with Baozhen for so long these days, what's your impression of her?"

Mrs. Zheng asked, looking at her son expectantly.

Zheng Zhongwen never took his eyes off the scroll, and only said in a low voice, "It's not that good."

Mrs. Zheng frowned: "What do you mean by not doing well?"

"Mother, I know what you mean, but I don't have any special impression of her, I can't even remember her appearance, what do you want me to say?"

Mrs. Zheng sighed: "Mother knows, you still can't let go of Rongyue in your heart, but Rongyue has already left and will never come back. What's the use if you can't let go of her? Listen to what mother says, and let Baozhen go." , I think this child is pretty good, she must be compatible with you, and I can tell that Baozhen likes you very much, as long as you nod, she will definitely be willing to marry you."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned and remained silent, staring at the words on the scroll, but his mind drifted to Zhou Dynasty, why did that hateful woman abandon him and marry another, causing him to be forced to marry as a bachelor now, if she was-

He shook his head, what was he thinking, even if she was here, he didn't want her.

Seeing that Zhongwen didn't respond, Mrs. Zheng simply said: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence. I will go to Mrs. Xue and talk about it."

Zhongwen looked at his mother's back helplessly, shook his head and sighed, no matter what he said today, the result would be the same, what he said was nothing, his mother had made up his mind to let him marry Xue Baozhen.

If Qi Rongyue, who was far away in the Zhou Dynasty, knew that he was going to get married, how would he react?

Zhou Palace.

As soon as Zhou An walked to the Hall of Cihe, he was told by the maid that the Empress Dowager had already rested and invited him to the residence of Empress Concubine Xue.

Zhou An frowned, and glanced at the closed palace door not far away. Since that time, she never let him enter her room again, not even giving him the chance to sleep on the floor.

He resisted the urge to break in, turned around and went back to the study.

In the inner palace, Qi Rongyue was tossing and turning, unable to sleep, the master hadn't come back yet, and she didn't know if something happened. With her current status, she couldn't leave the palace for a long time, and there was no one around her that she could trust to go out of the palace to find him. ,What should she do?
Funiu Mountain

Jian Yun searched almost all the mountains in the Zhou Dynasty, but she still couldn't find the medicine she wanted. It was agreed not to come to Funiu Mountain, but she still came.

Maybe there will be good luck here.

There are many herbs in the mountain, most of which are rare and elixir, but even though she searched half of the mountain, she couldn't find what she wanted.

If you go further inside, it will be the dangerous place that Rongyue said, should she go or not?

After thinking about it for a long time, she thought that her life was bought by Rong Yue and Zhong Wen, if anything happened again, wouldn't it be a waste of their filial piety?There must be a way, but saving lives is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, she turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, she heard a noise in the bushes, and when she turned her head, a white-fronted tiger rushed out and threw the dagger in her hand to the ground.

She rolled on the ground, avoiding the bite of the hanging-eyed tiger, and was about to pick up the dagger, but at this moment, another bigger hanging-eyed tiger jumped out from the bushes and stepped on it. On the dagger, he bared his teeth and stared at her.

(End of this chapter)

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